Chapter 9

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***Liv's POV

It was down to the last five with Charlie, Leo, Aria, me, and some other kid named Aaron.
I've seen this Aaron kid around, but I never approached him. Apparently he's a really good skater and won last year.
All we had to do was get through the course the fastest without falling and someone would win.
"Good luck!!" Leo told me with a grin on his face.
"Not one to trash talk?" I said. "I mean... Imma beat you... Cucumber head!" He attempted.
I laughed. "Really Leo? That's the best you got?" I said still laughing.
He open his mouth to say something then closed it. "Yeah." He admits.
"Oh! Almost forgot! Meet my new mate Aaron!" He says. I swear that boy makes friends with everyone.
"Hey." Aaron smirks at me. "Hi. I'm Liv." I tell him.
"Aaron." Man of few words I guess.
"You could say that." He says. Wait... Did I say that out loud?
He nods. I gotta stop doing that.
"Five minutes until skaters must meet at the start line. Five minutes." The intercom informs us.
"Better... Get to the starting line. Wouldn't want to be late." Aaron says walking off.
Leo was about to follow him but I grabbed his hand making him wait.
"Is there anyone you aren't friends with?" I asked.
After a couple seconds of him thinking, he said "The pizza guy. He always brings my food late." Leo frowns. I smile.
"Let's just get to the start Mr. Social Butterfly."
I roll my eyes.
"Wait, can't I be a Lion? They're so much cooler!" He asked.
"Whatever." I laughed.

***Cameron's POV

I was walking around when I saw this guy staring and smiling at a group of girls.
Hey! It's that Aaron person that Aria is competing with.
I walked over to him. "Will they melt if you stare at them long enough?" I wondered aloud. I guess it was too loud though because the girls started laughing at him. Oops.
"Seriously kid?" He grumbled. "Sorry!" I apologized.
He huffed. The girls were long gone now. But really, what was he doing? Big kids are weird.
Maybe it was for the best. This guy isn't so nice anyway. The meanie didn't even accept my apology.
"Who are you anyway?" He asked.
"I'm Cameron! Aria's awesome, cool, better, funner, nicer, brother." I told him.
"Funner isn't a word." He told me.
"Yes it is! I bet I'm way funner than you." I told him matter-of-factly. Funners a word. Right?
"Whatever kid. I gotta go." He said.
"Oh! Me too. I'm watching my sisters friends and my sister race. Arias my sister. I told you that earlier. Then there's Charlie, Leo, and Liv." I rambled walking beside him.
"To bad I'm too young to compete. My mom said that I'm almost as good as Aria!" I told him.
"Gotta go." He said. I tried following him but he went to the start line.
You are not allowed to go anywhere near the start or finish line. Aria's words rang in my head. Oh well. I went to my seat and waited for the race to start.

"Ready...Set...SKATE!!" The intercom man said. They all skated as fast as they could. Up, down, jump! They all were right next to each other. Was that suppose to happen? Whatever. WOAH. Aria just jumped over a big... Thingy? I don't know what it is... but I'm sure it's hard to jump.
I hope none of them die. That would be horrible! Oh no. I wish they weren't doing this. I don't want to be an only child. But I wouldn't mind Aria's room...
Back to the race. Why are they all the same speed?! "What?!" I asked rhetorically.
"Same kid!" Someone behind me said but I was too busy watching to respond.
They were getting closer and closer to the finish tape... Closer... Closer... RIP!!
The tape snapped and the person that caused it was... 
Well I don't know. I blinked.


Oops? Don't be mad at Cameron. Everyone blinks. 😈😈
MWAHAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem. Well. Comment, Vote, Blink. (182?) Yeah... I'll let myself out. Byebye.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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