Chapter 3

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Aria POV

The next week was pretty boring, bickering with Charlie, hanging out with Liv-now Leondre as well, and avoiding the water.
Today Liv, Leondre, and I were talking at a table on the teen deck. "So, you guys staying for the show tonight?" Every Friday night a guest volunteers to preform on the teen deck. "Yeah, probably. They always serve the best French Fries." I joke and we all laugh. "Who's preforming?" Liv asks. "Actually... I am.
" Leo tells us. "No way! That's so cool!" Liv and I say at the same time.
"Now that was creepy." Leo laughs. "Me and... Charlie." Oh.
Liv and I give each other knowing glances. "What? He's a really good singer and I rap. I know you guys don't like him but I need you to be there. For moral support." Leo pleads.
"Of course we will." Again, Liv and I saying that at the exact same time.
"Can you guys stop? It's freaking me out." He says. We all laugh again.
The thing is, I have been successfully avoiding Charlie for the past couple days. I was on a roll! But I know I have to go. Leondre would do the same if he were in my shoes.

"10 minutes until showtime! Who's excited?" The overly optimistic 'show host' said to the crowd. A few underwhelming cheers and some claps was his response. "Ok... Tonight a rapping and singing duo is preforming, welcome to the stage Bars (Leondre) & Melody (Charlie)." Liv and I smirked at each other. Out of nowhere we went ballistic. "Yeah!! Woop Woop!!" I yelled. "I <3 Bars and Melody!!" Liv yelled in a high pitch scream. "Marry me Leo!!" I tried to keep a straight face but we both burst out laughing. I looked over to the boys and they gave us death glares. You could tell they were mortified by there tomato red faces.
"I... Uh. I'm Bars." Leo said. I screamed a high pitch scream. He got redder, if that's even possible. "And I'm Melody." Charlie said giving me a look saying 'Please... Don't." So I didn't. Liv did.
"Tonight we are preforming a song I wrote, it's called Hopeful. Enjoy." Leo said.
The music started and Leo started his rap.
"Please help me God, I feel so alone
I'm just a kid, I can't take it on my own
I've cried so many tears, yeah, writing this song
Trying to fit in. Where do I belong?
I wake up every day, don't wanna leave my home
My mamma's askin' me why I'm always alone
Too scared say, too scared to holler
I'm walking to school with sweat around my collar
I'm just a kid, don't want no stress
My nerves are bad, my life's a mess
The names they call me, they hurt real bad
I want to tell my Mom
She's havin' trouble with my Dad
I feel so trapped, there's nowhere to turn
Come to school
Don't wanna fight, I wanna learn
So please mister Bully
Tell me what I've done
You know I have no Dad
I'm livin' with my Mom
There was a slight pause. Charlie's voice fills the room.
'Cause I'm hopeful, yes, I am
Hopeful for today
Take this music and use it
Let it take you away
And be hopeful, hopeful
And He'll make a way
I know it ain't easy but that's okay
Just be hopeful
Wow. That dude can sing. As much as I hate to say it, he can. Leo starts again.
Why do you trip at the color of my skin
And wether I'm fat or wether I'm thin
You call me a loser, you call me a fool
I ain't gotta choice, I gotta go to school
I wish I had and angel to stick by my side
I'm shaking with fear, I'm so scared inside
Doesn't really matter if I ain't got the looks
Why do you always hurt me and destroy my books?

The song ended and the crowd went crazy. Not like the usual underwhelming dumb applause. Not even close. This was a standing ovation.
Liv and I ran over to Leondre. "That was great!" I told him. We all went into a group hug. I looked over to Charlie, who was standing awkwardly behind us scratching the back of his neck. "Come over here." I looked right at him. He smiled slightly and joined our group hug.
After a while we broke apart. "You guys want to go up to Charlie and my suite? We can watch a movie and hang." Leo asked. We smiled and nodded indicated that we would love too.

"Don't go in attic, don't do it!" I told the screen. We were watching some horror film in Charlie's room.
"She's pretty much asking to die, like, when she says 'who's there' the murderers not gonna be like 'Oh it's just me, coming to kill you. No biggie.' Really." Charlie says as we all nod our heads in agreement. Surprisingly Charlie and I are getting along pretty well. It must be Opposite Day.
Liv takes out her phone checking the time. "It's getting late, mind if we crash here tonight?"
Leo responds "Yeah mate, no problem. We can have a horror marathon."
He walks out, most likely getting extra pillows and blankets.
Tonight, for once in my life, I actually think Charlie's ok.
"I'm not sleeping on the floor though. My beds my bed." He declares.
And there's the boy I know and dislike.

Hey!! Thanks for reading this. I hope you are all having a great summer! Comment, vote, eat French fries, FANGIRL. (You know, the usual.) ;)

Skater GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora