Chapter 5

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Aria POV
There are four days until the competition and Liv and I have just got back from practicing. "I'm not letting you give me a makeover Liv!" I said. Liv had this 'great' idea that if I had a new look it would improve my skate skills. That doesn't even make sense. I think she just wants a chance to play dress up.
"Come on, live a little! How good would you look with a few pieces of red hair and some new addictions to your wardrobe?" She pleaded. "I like my hair one color, and what's wrong with black skinny jeans and graphic tops?" I asked. "Nothing! It's just the only thing you ever wear. When was the last time you wore a skirt?"
I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to stop until she got her way. Then, I had an idea. "Fine." I said. She squealed, yes squealed, and jumped up and down. For a skater girl, she sure was girly.
"On one condition." She stopped and looked at me curiously. "If your going to make me look like you, then I get to do the same."
With wide eyes she asked me "How long?"
"One week." Surly she wouldn't last that long wearing skinny jeans and graphic tees.
"So, like swapping wardrobes?" She said deep in thought. "Yup." I said. Knowing her, she would never agree to part with her designer clothes. They were like her babies. Really, sometimes it worries me.
Wait, WHAT?!

Currently, Liv was doing my hair.
"Are you sure you know what your doing Liv?" I asked while she was attempting to dye my hair. Dye it.
"Of course, how hard can dyeing a couple pieces of hair be?"
Attempting to calm down, I grabbed my laptop and logged into Netflix. 
An hour later, me and Liv were engrossed in an episode of Pretty Little Lairs while we waited for my hair.
We were watching season one because Liv had just started watching PPL last week. Even know I've seen this episode, it's still enjoyable.
Suddenly, Liv closes the laptop. "Your hair is done!!" She said excitedly. I walked over to our full length mirror on the door to the bathroom.
I gasped, when I saw myself. My hair was perfectly curled, along with a few strains of red. "You love it don't you? I new you would!" Liv exclaimed. "It's...ok."
"Yeah right, I can see it in your eyes, you loovee it!!"
I stared at myself for a second longer before turning to Liv. I raised my eyebrows. "So, are we going to just stand here or are we going to finish this?"
She smiled and ran the closet.

**15 minutes later***

Yet again, I was in front of the mirror. Liv had just finished doing my makeup that took forever because of the smokey eye Liv perfected. She had also picked out an outfit that I put on, reluctantly. It consisted of a black dress that was fitting at the top but at the waistline poofed out giving the look of a tamed tutu. It ended mid-thigh. I also had on some black tights with combat boots. For a small pop of color I added a gold belt.
I didn't really mind the look. I actually might like it. But do not tell Liv or I'll never hear the end of it.
"Don't you think this is a bit much?" I asked. "No way! Haven't you heard? There's a dance tonight for teens!"
I groaned. Dances weren't my thing at all. Then, like a lightbulb lit above my head, I had an idea. "Fine. I'll go, but it's my turn to give a makeover."
Her face went pale like she forgot that part of the deal. "Well, if you really don't want to go..." She said pretending to be bummed.
"Oh no, I want to go! This won't take long." I smirked evilly pushing her on to a chair.
I started with her hair. Deciding on just straightening it, I was done faster than you could stay revenge. Then, I wiped off her makeup. Not that she needed much, her skin was flawless. I gave her some tinted red lip balm and a bit of eye makeup. Soon, I was picking out her outfit. I looked around my closet wanting something to go with her more natural look. Deciding to throw her a bone, I grabbed my (only) black skater skirt. I paired it with my white 'I speak fluent sarcasm' tee, a black leather jacket, and some hightop converse. Black, of course.
Her eyes lit up at the sight of the skirt. She walked into the bathroom to change. Five minutes later, she was ready.
She looked.... Like me. It was weird.
"Hrmf." She said looking into the mirror. "I look ok... In a simple, I don't care, way." She told me turning around.
"This is so weird." We said at the same time. Bursting into laughter, we grabbed our phones making our way to the teen deck.
As we got closer the Taylor Swift music got louder. Finally we had made it, and I looked around. The place was full of dancing teens, and tacky decorations.
Liv gestured over to a corner in the room, where I saw Leo and Charlie on their phones. Real party animals.
Making my way through the dancing teens, there faces became clearer and clearer. "Hey! Li-Aria?!?" Charlie said confused. He nudged Leo and he looked up. "What the..."
I smirked. "Hi!!" I said over optimistically trying to act more Liv like. Liv stifled a laugh but played along. "Charlie." She glared. I have to say, she was spot on.
"I'm confused. Please, tell me what's going on." Leondre  begged. I laughed.
I told them both about our deal.
"Girls are weird." Charlie concluded.
We all laughed. "So... Liv, do you wanna dance or something?" Leondre asked. She smiled and dragged him on to the dance floor.
"These things are stupid." Charlie said. "Agreed." I smiled.
"I... like your hair though." He complemented. "Thanks." I can't remember the last time we were this nice to each other.
Going back to our non-social ways, we both pulled out our phones. For the next hour, I knew our faces would both be illuminated by the small devises in our hands.

Hi. Hope you liked this chapter! Remember to vote, comment, and dread the day school starts. It's getting closer!! :( Oh! And if you'll be so kind to follow ReaganPeace  then I will not unleash my mythical zebras wrath on you tonight at midnight! So go do that! Please?

Skater GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora