Chapter 8

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**Aria's POV

A pain in my back gave me a rude awakening from my sleep. We all had fallen asleep on the couch from yesterday...and my head was rested on Charlie's lap. Ew.
I shot my head up only to collide with Charlie's. He groaned in pain and I held my head. Smooth. Real smooth Aria.
"Sorry." I winced. He looked up at me and his frown turned into his signature smirk.
"No problem hair ball."
Realizing my hair was probably a train reck, I blushed and smacked his shoulder.
"Ouch! When will the abuse end?" He said dramatically. I rolled my eyes and got up deciding that I should probably get ready.
"Wake up the others for me? Tell Liv if she starts the batter I'll make pancakes." I groggily instructed Charlie.
"Alright." He said as I pondered what to wear. Out of Liv's closet, of corse. Stupid deal.
I decided on some light wash jeans, a cropped graphic tee that I bought her, a light brown infinity scarf, and white low top converse.
I grabbed my outfit and went to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, blow drying plus curling my hair lightly, and putting on my outfit, I was ready. Putting on some mascara and lip bomb, I walked out of the bathroom.
"Finally!" Cam said running past me. I laughed.
"Ah!" Liv yelling flipping a pancake onto the wall.
"Liv! You were suppose to just make the batter!" I told her taking the pan.
"I thought I could handle it." She said cleaning up the failed pancake.
Meanwhile, Leo and Charlie had amused looks on there faces sitting at the breakfast table.
"What are you smiling about, at least I didn't burn the kitchen down!" Liv sassed at Leo.
"Hey! That was an accident!! And I didn't burn the whole kitchen down..." Leo defended.
"I ship it." Charlie whispered in my ear causing me to jump. How the heck did he get there?!
"My OTP." I whispered back as he poured some apple juice. He laughed making Leo and Liv look up at us.
"What are you to whispering about?" Liv said with suspicion.
Oh. Just that we think you two would be a cute couple. No biggie.
Nah... That doesn't sound right. So I just say,
"Nothing." Charlie smirks and Leo raises a questioning eyebrow at him.
"Anyway, breakfast is ready!" I tell everyone grabbing the syrup from the fridge behind me.
"PANCAKES!!" Cam yells grabbing a plate.
He takes 3 pancakes of the stack. Dang, for a pest, he eats a bunch. Not that I eat any less.
We all sat at the breakfast table eating my wonderful pancakes, when Charlie's eyes widened like he had just realize something.
"Does anyone remember what today is?" He asked.
"Uhh.... Friday?" Cam guessed.
"No, well yes, but no. It's competition day!" He told us.
I can't believe I forgot! That settles it, After this I'm practicing hard. Telling everyone this, they all wanted to go to.
"Can I go? Please! I won't be in your way!" Cam begged. He just learned last year to skate and he wasn't that good at it. But practice makes perfect.
"Fine... But we need to train, so I can't help you." I told him. He nodded and smiled.

"Ah!" Cam yelled. I could tell he was on a halve pipe because he when he starts he always screams. Dork.
We had been practicing nonstop all day and there was about an hour and a halve till showtime.
The prize for winning was $500 and some fancy dinner. But the thing I was most interested in was crushing Charlie. That would be enough of a victory in its self.
I'm sure Charlie has the same thing in mind, but sadly he isn't getting what he wanted this time.

***Charlie's POV

'I've got a fire for a heart,
I'm not scared of the dark,
You've never seen it look so easy.
I've got a river for a sole,
And baby your a boat,
Baby your my only reason.'

My headphones blasted as I rode my skateboard. I know, I know. One Direction? Really Charlie? I'm sorry but 1D is my dirty secret. It really helps my skating performance. Why, I have no idea.
But one things for sure, I will never admit this to anyone. Epically not Aria.
Never would hear the end of that one.
I also do most of my thinking on my board. It's gonna be so good to crush Aria today. The prize is some dumb dinner and $500, but that's nothing compared to beating her.
Ha. Gonna be-
A sharp pain in my stomach pulled me out of my thoughts. Knocked off of my board, I looked over to the one that I collided with.
I should've guessed.
"Guess this is our thing, eh?" I joked.
She laughed. "I guess. You alright?"
"You could've heart me." I recited from our first collision. She smiled. "Seems like that was forever ago." She said and I nodded agreeing.
"Wanna take a break?" I asked. We still had time, about an hour I guess.
"Sure. I'm starving."
I smiled. "Hotdogs then?" I suggested gesturing over to the snack shack.
"Yes please." She nodded.
So we gone in line and soon it was our turn to order.
"Two hotdogs please." I told the woman at the counter.
"That will be $5 please." She told me and I grabbed my wallet. Aria put her hands in her pockets to get some money but it was too late.
I kindly smiled at the woman and gave her the money.
When we walked away from the counter Aria said "I'll pay you back." She promised.
I shook my head. "It was a $2.50 hotdog. I think I'm ok. A simple thanks would suffice."
She blushed. "Thank you." She said in a small voice.
"Let's go to RedSun yeah?" I told her. Since I didn't want anyone to find the abandoned deck I found we came up with a code name for it.
"Sure." She laughed.

***Aria's POV

As we finished our hotdogs and stared at the sunset I just wanted to stay in this moment forever.
No bickering, no drama, no worries. Just the magnificent sunset and of course a hotdog. So good.
"We better be heading back soon. Don't want to miss me kicking your arse." Charlie said. Back to reality I guess.
"I think you mean me kicking you?" I corrected.
"Hmm... Nah. Impossible."
I hit his arm followed by a "Oww."
He pouted. "Why do you always abuse me?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Let's just go you dork." I said grabbing his hand. In a completely innocent, I-strongly-dislike-you-but-not-as-much-than-before.
Together we walked down the staircase to the hallway.
"Good luck, skater girl. Your gonna need it." Charlie said. "No way." I responded as our hands separated and we walked in.
It's showtime...

Ooohhh. Showtime. Who do you think will win? Aria? Charlie? Or will it be... A MYTHICAL ZEBRA?!??!
I don't know guys... I got my money on the zebra though. Don't forget to Comment, Vote, other stuff you do... Byebye.

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