2 blue knight? "Don't ask any further questions"

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"Don't ask any further questions"


The person who had entered was a tall young man in his early twenties for what it seemed like. His hair was cut short at the back but he had long bangs which parted at the front. His raven hair contrasted beautifully with his pale skin and it made his crimson red eyes look icy cold. He had long lashes and very attractive features. He was also wearing glasses which seemed somewhat interesting. I could not judge on his built, for he was wearing a long dark tunic. I was astonished and so the pistol that was still in my hand, slipped my grip and fell on the floor; or better said, almost fell on the floor. The tall man had grabbed it. He was right there crouching in front of me holding the pistol five inches above the floor, when less than a second ago he was at the door staring at me. I didn't even see him move!

He sighed in relief "I can't let my master's gym get scratched." He said to himself. "Master's? Umm... could it be you are here for that Phantomhive boy?" I said muttering. He then again pulled out a butter knife and put it on my neck threatening me. "Who are you? Why do I smell blood? Why do you smell like the young master? And where is he?" he said with a scary expression. I was shocked for a second but quickly reacted in fighting back. I pulled an uppercut at him, followed by a lower cut and a high kick. He dodged all my moves and threw me into the wall. Then when he was about to punch me again, a voice stopped him "Mr. Michaelis, i think it's inappropriate for you, a teacher, to be attacking a student in such a way" the bathroom door was opened revealing the boy who the man was looking for. Phantomhive had a towel over his shoulder's and was drying of his hair. He was wearing the same pants from earlier and stood there with his eyes closed and shirtless. I noticed the eye patch was gone, and he didn't seem to have an ugly scar or a missing eye to hide. The man who seemed to be Mr. Michaelis turned to the boy and bowed. "I am very sorry master, I saw the lady in your room and I also smelled blood and without overlooking the fact that she is wearing your shirt I thought she was a trying to attack you and she even had your gun in her hands. I fought her only because I thought she would be a threat to you." he said with a creepy fake smile on his face. The boy sighed still with his eyes closed and handed the man something. Seeing it the man closed in the distance between them and started tying it around the boy's head. It was the eye patch. "I do not need your explanations, she is my roommate, and you should apologize to her. I was the one who gave her that shirt and the blood is also hers." He said slowly opening his left eye while the man started looking for something in his luggage. "But mast- I mean, Mr. Phantomhive would you care to explain why your roommate is a girl in a boys school?" I was still sitting on the floor when the man started pulling a shirt on my new roommate's shoulders. "That is none of your business" said Phantomhive. The man finished buttoning his shirt and turned towards me. "I am very ashamed for my behavior towards you earlier and I apologize." he said before offering me a hand to get up. I refused his helping hand and stood up by myself.


"Hey Phantomhive, Who is he and how does he know I'm a girl when nor you, nor me, told him once?" you said making your way to him. The man started saying, "I am Mr. Michaelis and I'm the new history teache- "He is Sebastian Michaelis, my butler and... don't ask any further questions." Sebastian was cut off by his master and he was quite surprised why he was telling the lady, you, what nobody was supposed to know. "That's... whatever. But why does he know my gender?" The butler smirked and said "What kind of butler would I be if I didn't even know that?" he stood there looking at me. "You heard him and I think you should leave now, we need to discuss something. Our plans for lunch are suspended for now, you should go to the infirmary, you cut your lower lip while fighting with Sebastian I think"

You were frustrated and went out stomping your feet and slamming the door behind yourself. 'Great! Another person knows I'm a girl and they threw me out of my own room! This is so frustrating.' You thought to yourself. 'And they won't even answer my questions!' It certainly was frustrating and to take your mind off things you decided to go take a nap under a tree or something when you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Please don't bother me I'm going for a nap." I sled away from their grip without even bothering to notice who it was. Then I turned around and nobody was there. 'Quite strange' you thought. You then saw a small folded paper on the floor and opened it to read it. 'join us for dinner in Mr. Michaelis's room at eight tonight. Have a good nap till then'. You sighed and put the note in your pocket.

After reaching the garden you spotted the big nice tree which had a big and nice shade. You layed down and quickly fell asleep surrounded by the aroma of earl grey. Where was it coming from? You thought as you were falling in a deep slumber. 'Oh, the boy's shirt I'm wearing.' you thought as your mind started making forms over your shut eyelids until you saw his face. It wasn't him though, it was the nine year old boy you often saw in your dreams. "don't forget me okay?" he said under the moonlight before entering his carriage and disappearing into the distance; never coming back. You ran behind the carriage, but it wouldn't stop. All you had left was a chess piece in your hands. A blue wooden knight. Then you started falling into the darkness until a hand reached you and brought you into the light. You opened your eyes and saw a tree's leaves above you, you were all alone. You put your hand in your right pocket and brought out the blue wooden knight. It had been beautifully carved and it was the only proof of your encounter with that little boy all those years ago, on your eighth birthday. You had never seen him again after that, but you couldn't help yourself from thinking you would meet him again.

If u guys have any doubts at any part of the story, just ask me k? I'll happily answer. Any doubt, any part that confused u even a little bit.
And also, if you notice bad grammar, or any typo, please let me know through the comments so I can fix it.
tnx for reading^^ ~

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