4 Trustworthy? "I want to trust you"

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"I want to trust you"

3rd person's P.O.V.

She thought for a bit and then sighed and released her wrist from his grip. "You are right Phantomhive, but then again, how can I gain your trust?" She said staring at him in the eye. "Oh? You want to gain my trust?" he said smirking. She got up just to walk around the table and stand by the young Phantomhive. She then bent over the left side of his seat so she could meet his eye level. "They say eyes never lie. So, tell me, what do you see in my eyes? I'm not lying, will you be able to trust me?" She said with a serious expression. "Well, that's what they say but I'm afraid I can't decide to trust you or not by the way your eyes look. But tell me one thing, how can I get you to trust me? I believe that I won't be able to do that just with sweet words." He said putting a finger under her chin. She snickered. "You are right indeed. Sweet words are not something you'll be able to use to make me trust you. But I am guessing today is your lucky day." She said smirking. "Hmm? Why so?" He said returning the smirk and pulling her face closer to his. "well, I don't trust you yet, but for some odd reason I want to trust you. And I also want you to trust me.". She said gazing away. "Is that so? Then why are you averting your gaze? Didn't you just say eyes never lie? Then what does this mean?" He said closing in even more. "Well... it means I am a bit uncomfortable because your face is a little to close." He chuckled at her observation and put his forehead against hers. Her face became red and hot. She looked at his left ocean blue eye as he whispered. "I don't trust you, but I don't distrust you either. It is your decision to believe in me or not but I do want to keep your gun with me, just in case things take an unexpected turn." She regained her composure and stood up. "I feel no need to protect myself from you anymore since you could've killed me whenever you wished for it because your butler definitely has the strength to do so. You can keep my gun until you think I'm worthy of your trust; However, until I get the gun back, my safety is in your hands and I do believe you are a man of your word." He smirked "So, your safety is in my hands now? I think we have a deal ______." He said picking up the gun from the table. As he did that, she picked up a fork and put it on Ciel's neck. "Don't get me wrong Phantomhive. I won't let my guard down around you." He didn't flinch. She smiled and put the fork on the table and started eating her spaghetti. The spaghetti were delicious but she didn't bother saying so. She fished in 10 minutes and turned towards Sebastian who had been ignored from the moment she entered the room. "I finished my dinner so would you please give me back my chocolates?" He took a bag from a drawer and handed it to her. "I added some extra ones. They are a present from my master." he said smiling. She snatched the bag and went out of the door only thinking of getting away from these freaks weird guys. She didn't even remember that one of them was her roommate.

When she entered her bedroom she locked her room and she threw the bag of chocolates in her closet and after that threw off her pants and socks and lied in bed. After that she unbuttoned her first three buttons and tried to sleep. She was a bit uncomfortable since she had those bandages on her top half squeezing everything and her wound also hurt a bit if she lied on her back but she somehow managed to fall asleep. She was quite pissed, but asleep.

Ciel's P.O.V.

After I finished my dinner, Sebastian handed me a key. When I asked for explanations he said "As dorm supervisor it is my duty to provide you the key to your room. Now do you know where it is?" he asked. I grabbed the key and my jacket. "Yes, there is no need for you to accompany me Mr. Michaelis." I said heading to my room. Once I reached there I found that the door was locked. I sighed and brought out the key from my pocket. I slowly opened the door just to see that the curtains were closed. I was really tired and went to my bed directly without changing. I quickly fell asleep hugging the nice warm pillow on my bed. Wait, nice, and warm? Who cares, let's just fall asleep and if the pillow was nice and warm, even better.

I woke up sweating. It was too warm, too hot. I took out my pocket watch and in the dim light I guessed the handles marking 2:00 AM. Why was I sweating this much? Then, I felt that I couldn't move properly. I had a pair of arms wrapped tightly around me. I then felt her hair with my left hand. She was there. _____ was there. But why? Who knows? Was she the nice and warm pillow from earlier? I guessed yes. But it kind of felt nice to have someone hug you like this. Her grip was firm and strong, but gentle and graceful at the same time. She reminded me of someone. Now I was starting to think of her. She resembled too much my ______. She was beautiful in every way I could remember. I had only seen her once, but that was enough to captivate me. I couldn't fall asleep so I closed my eyes and started remembering that day, I met my _____ all of those years ago.

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