5 Remembering part 1 "You're my friend right?"

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"You're my friend right?"

Ciel's P.O.V

It was the eighth birthday of the daughter of a friend of my old man and I was supposed to attend with him. So she was a year younger than me. I was excited, for I was going to attend a party with my father and I would finally meet someone who is around my age at that party. Children my age didn't go to the parties we usually attended or held.
Everyone was gathered around a little girl in a big puffy salmon-pink dress with a bow on the back. She had slightly curled _(h/l)_, _(h/c)_ hair. When people would say happy birthday to her, she would just smile happily but something didn't quite seem right. In the middle of the party, she said goodbye to the guests that were around her and went to the balcony. I decided I would go greet her now since I was too short to be noticed earlier.
When I went out in the big balcony I felt a cold breeze on my face but I couldn't see her anywhere until I noticed a little white figure moving in a corner and a big Pink and puffy ball on the floor. I went closer and closer only to notice that the big pink ball on the floor was a dress, and that the white moving figure was the girl from earlier. She was in a white undershirt and white underpants She was meddling with what looked like a rope made out of bedsheets hanging from the balcony above "What are you doing?" I asked. She jumped a little then turned around slowly. She sighed in relief after seeing me there, as if she was expecting someone else. "umm... haha... you see... I was... having some fresh air?" she said with a nervous expression. "Then what is that?" I said pointing at the bedsheets or rope or whatever. "This? Well... Okay, okay, you caught me. I was just trying to ditch the party." She said a bit annoyed. "Ditch? Why?" I asked. "Hey! I know! You could ditch with me! Since this is the first time I'm ditching since Albert nii-san isn't here so there's no one here to help me. Would you help me?" she asked looking at me in the eyes; and before I knew it I was pushing her up until she reached the upper balcony. "Hey miss...- "What are you doing? You're supposed to come too!" She said reaching out a hand from between the stone bars of the balcony. I held on to the 'rope' and started to think if I should, or not. "Hurry up, or we'll both get caught!" She said impatiently. Then I hurriedly started climbing up. I managed to put my hand on the third floor balcony but I couldn't climb on. Then I saw a hand sticking out and her voice saying, "Hurry grab it!" I got hold of her hand while the little girl was using all of her strength trying to pull me up. When we were finally on the balcony's floor, she took my hand in hers and opened the big glass door to enter the room room. "Is it really OK to barge into someone's room like this?" I asked before going in. "oh, don't worry, this room is mine anyways. This is where Wills makes me learn things but I often slack off or run away, then,he has to catch me. After that, he gives me a lot of homework as punishment... but it's worth it." i giggled at her little story and followed her out of that room and through the house to end up in front of a big door which she opened and dragged me in. We were still holding hands when she turned around with a big smile and said, "Hey, you're my friend right?" For that instance, she looked like an angel illuminated by the dim moonlight coming in from the windows. I could even say I saw some beautiful silver wings on her back that disappeared right after I put my eyes on them. She looked at me awaiting for my answer. A girl who's name I didn't even know had captivated me for the first time in my life. Her (e/c)eyes looking straight into mine. "But of course I am!" She then smiled and led me in. "Hey what'dya wanna play? I have tons and tons of games!" She said looking excited. "Then... how about chess? I'm not a pro yet, but I'm very good at it!" I exclaimed. She thought for a bit and then said, "OK, we can play, but on one condition, you have to teach me! I've seen mom, dad and Albert nii-san play lots of times but they won't teach me! And Wills doesn't teach me either because he says it's a waste of time!" She said frowning. I laughed and then agreed to teach her. "Haah! Really? That would be great! You know, I even have my own chess set! Albert nii-san gave it to me on my last birthday before he left... It's really pretty! You'll love it!" She went to her closet and opened a little hidden safe in the closet and brought out a wooden box and set it on the big bed in the middle of the room. "What are you standing there for? Come and sit in front of me!" I did as she said and concentrated on the box in front of me. It was made out of black wood and had a name engraved in golden letters on it; probably hers. She lifted the lid and placed it behind her. After that, with eyes filled with love she carefully brought out and placed between us a chess board made out of glass. It was certainly beautiful, it had white translucent squares and transparent squares instead of the black and white usual ones. She then placed one by one, each chess piece with love. They were made out of glass too, the white pieces were made out of translucent glass and the black pieces were made out of blue glass; the set was indeed beautiful and she had placed all the chess pieces in correct order and teaching her wasn't hard since she was a fast learner and soon we started a game. Just when i was about to move my knight to give her a check, the door was slammed open. " Here you are ____! just what do you think you're doing, young lady?!" Said a boy coming in who looked about seventeen or eighteen.

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