12 New friendship, "Let's ditch."

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"Let's ditch"

I was so excited to show him my two favourite places, that I took his hand and set off running towards the back gardens. We almost bumped into someone about three times but avoided them successfully. We reached the big gates and went through them as he tried to keep up my pace. We were still holding hands as I showed him to the rose garden. We ran through it as we inhaled the aroma of roses. One of my favourites smells. "Hey, this is the rose garden. You will find almost every kind of rose here. I'll show you my favourite! It grows all over that gazebo in the centre of the garden." We kept running until we reached the centre. His eyes widened as he saw the beautiful blue roses hanging on the rose vines crawling up the white gazebo. "This used to be a P4 place but it was abandoned long ago when they built the new one so practically no one ever comes here." I said picking up one of the roses. "It's beautiful" He said still admiring the scene in front of him. "Did you know? every rose has a meaning to it." I said as I pressed the rose I plucked earlier to my nose. "Is that so? Then do you know their meaning?" He said finally looking at me. "Well, I do...but, do you want to know them?" I asked as I closed my eyes to enjoy better the smell of it.

Ciel's P.O.V.

She looked extremely beautiful as she smelled the rose with her eyes closed. The boys of this school might have really been stupid if they didn't even think for a second that she was a girl. She snapped her fingers barely an inch away from my nose. "what are you daydreaming about?" She asked grinning. "Tell me" I said softly. "huh?" She gave me a confused look. "The meaning of the roses" I said also plucking a rose like her. She smiled "Well, a red rose symbolizes passion, a pink one goes for love, a yellow one is for prosperity, a white one means beauty and... and a blue one means friendship so... Here!" She said placing the blue rose she had earlier picked in my hair. "You look like a girl now!" she said giggling. She was probably waiting for me to snap at her, but instead I smirked and placed the rose I had in her hair "So is this an agreement for the start of our friendship?" I asked as I poked her cheek. "Whatever, now let's get going! We only have an hour before classes start!" She took my hand again and started running, again. This time, she ran faster. We went all the way through the rose garden and got out of it as we entered a part which was not taken care of. The grass and weeds had grown long and there were many trees. We stopped in front of an oak tree. "This, is my favourite place to nap. This tree has a big and nice shade and lying on the soft grass helps me relax."she said sitting down resting leaning her back against the oak and gesturing me to do the same. I sat beside her and saw her staring up at the sky. Somehow I started feeling that my eyelids were heavy.

Your P.O.V.

I was staring up at the sky and started daydreaming. I snapped out of my daydream as I felt a light weight on my lap. I looked down and I saw Ciel lying on my lap with his eye closed. He half opened it and brought up a hand to my cheek, pulling it. "I am really tired so you're going to lend me your lap so I can sleep." It was more of an order than a request but I let it pass by. After just two minutes I started to hear a little snoring. He was already asleep. I gently started stroking his head and and running my hand through his hair. I giggled as I watched him sleep. It felt so peaceful today, I was in fact having a great day today! Yesterday I was so frustrated but today I was feeling really happy. I never thought I'd be this happy on a Monday morning!

Short timeskip


Time seemed to have flown as you heard the starting bell ring. You panicked. 'Are we gong to be late? We are already late!' You looked down to find the earl still sound asleep. You instantly started shaking him and tried to wake him up "hey, Ciel! Ci- Phantomphive! Wake up! We're late!" You yelled practically in his ear. He sat up with a hand up to his ear. "Don't yell in my ear..." He said in a sleepy voice. You quickly got up and dusted yourself off and held out a hand to help him stand up. "Hurry! We're already late!" You said as he grabbed your hand. You were ready to pull him up, when, to your surprise you were pulled down. You were sitting on the same place you were sitting a minute ago. You looked towards him as if asking, what's wrong? "Let's ditch" He said before putting his head back on your lap. "I'm veery sleepy right now to go to class. Besides, you said we were already late, so what's the point in going anyways?" He said as he yawned. He closed his eye but opened it again. "Oh, by the way, you can keep stroking my hair, it felt good." He said with a smirk plastered on his face as he went back to sleep leaving you to deal with your dark red cheeks.

You did hesitate a bit at the start, but then continued to stroke his soft hair. You spent all morning under the tree with him sleeping in your lap and, eventually, you fell asleep too against the oak.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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