Dear...Old friend

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I stepped into his house hearing the door shut behind me.I knew I was going to regret this but I have no one else to talk to but him.It was silent between us and it was kinda awkward getting me uncomfortable.

"So what made you come to me all of a sudden".He asked raising a brow.

I played with my fingers and looked around not knowing wether I should speak or not.Maybe I should go and just forget everything and go far away just with me and my kids.

"Hello earth too Ari,"I snapped out of my train of thought and I turned my attention to him.

"I just need someone to talk to that's all,and since I have no one else I decided I should come here".I said truthfully and half honest.The real reason is I needed to be in somebody else presence or else I'll go crazy.

He looked at me and nodded his head leaning back in the couch.There it was again the dead silence.He just stared into my soul and I felt a little uncomfortable,It was like he was burning a hole into my face.I snapped my head at him and rolled my eyes.

"Ya know it's not nice to stare".I turned on my phone and went on instagram checking my feed.

"My bad,you just so beautiful and it's kinda depressing seeing you like this".He said not once taking his eyes off of me. I looked up at him from my phone.Is it that noticeable that I'm depressed?I try to hide it but I guess I can't hide it any longer.

"What,I'm not depressed what makes you say that".I said lying through my teeth,Lord knows and all the angles that I have cried to knew I was lying.

"I know a broken heart when I see one,...Trust me baby girl I know".

"What do you know about a broken heart Marcus!?!,Because you don't know,You think you do but you don't...Everything seems like it's coming to an end,One person and one man that you love deeply could slip right through your fingers without you even realizing".I said trying to hold back the tears but they fell down anyways.

I covered my face not wanting him to see me cry,I don't want him to think I'm weak or anything.

He Came over to where I was sitting and he Slowly embraced me into a hug,Which caused me to cry even more.
My burning tears stained his shirt and I just cried in his chest.

"I know how you feel Ari,before I met you I was going through the same thing with my ex girlfriend tyra".He said resting his chin on my head.

"You did?,how come you got through it".I slightly raised my head.

"Oh I didn't,I still think about her,but I believe that all things happen for a reason,You can't control how things go,You just gotta sit back and let things fall into place,Just don't ever down yourself or become depressed cause that's what makes things worse"He said.

I know he's speaking the truth but I just can't seem to get over August,He's everything to me and I just can't forget about him,but I guess I should listen to Marcus and not stress just sit back and see how things plan out.And that's exactly what I'll do from now on.

"I guess I can probably do that"I said as I wiped the dry tears away and I nodded my head.

He nodded his head and he placed his hands on my shoulders rubbing them"First let's start by you relaxing cause you seem so tense".

I felt my shoulders being rubbed and let me tell you it felt so good that I wanted to let out a couple of moans,but I didn't because I'm classy and never trays but maybe there's nothing wrong with getting a little nasty.Am I right?



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Only Short chapters until I get more feedback and more active readers.I know I take long to update just because nobody really comment only some and I thank yall for that but still I need feedback.

Until then see what will happen in next chapter of A Missing Heart.

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