The Game changer

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The cold road was getting darker as I ran ,I never looked back I just ran I didn't care that my feet was getting wet as I ran.It seem as though the pain was breaking my heart every step that I took.I didn't want him to catch me if he catch me he would literally kill me.It seem as tho the faster I ran the faster he caught up to me.I looked around and in back of me seeing that I lost him and I took that opportunity to slow down and catch my breath but I guess that was a big mistake as I felt a hand go over my mouth."I love you Ari remember that".The next thing I know a pair of arms were around my neck.

I woke up in a puddle full of sweat,Thank god it was only a bad dream.My heart was pounding thru my chest and my breaths were getting heavier by the second.I looked around my room and saw that I was all alone once again.I guess I'll have to get use to it.Right since I'll be forever alone.

I cried silently,I just don't get it.I've been faithful I've done everything I can to provide and be strong for my family.

I know short right Well I just wanted to update yall but I'm not feeling to well right but soon as I do ima update a full story.

Yall pray for Me please,I seriously need it right now.

Luv you guys.

A missing heart(AugustAlsina)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن