Chapter 7: An Unexpected Run-In

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I ride the city bus every day to the hospital and visit Dylan and Shizuka. Uncle Brent and Gran always offer to drive me, but I'm capable of riding the bus on my own and I don't want to trouble them.
Everyone on the bus is really nice anyway, supporting me whenever I'm on. There's an elderly man named Everett on the bus at the same time as I am every day, and we always sit next to each other and have a nice chat. In the 4 days that I've known this man, I've learned that he is 77, he and his wife celebrated their 50-year wedding anniversary last month, his daughters work at UNBC as biology and math professors, he's had over 15 pet cats, his 11-year-old grandson won a hockey tournament, and that he grew up on a farm.
I tell him about my story and he always asks me about my injury and I tell him the same story every day. He always departs with, "Don't give up hope and tell Dylan I say that I'm rooting for him," a wave, and a large smile. I always feel better after chatting with Everett.
I drop by Shizu's room first, but she isn't around. The nurse tells me she's been transferred to a hospital in Victoria overnight. I didn't even say goodbye...
Next, I swing by Dylan's room.
"Hiya, Dyl," I say after I get comfortable in the sofa chair beside his bed. No response.
I brush some hair out of his eyes and I say, "Everett's still rooting for you. Seriously, you have to wake up and meet this man... He's wonderful."
I have a one-sided conversation with Dylan. I fill him in on what's going on at home (which, there isn't ever much, but the small things, such as Gloria dropping by for a visit and Gran cooking her famous tuna casserole) and tell him that I'm pulling through, which is a lie since I'm always in searing pain and I'm miserable as hell. I tell him that I bumped into Taylor at the grocer's and told her what happened and that she's dropped by a few times with flowers and a small gift― "Or did you know that already?" I say. "If you can hear me, I'm assuming you've heard her."
I leave as Dr. Madani comes in the room. He gives me a small half-smile and closes the door of Dylan's room behind him.
I put my gloves, toque, and scarf back on and descend to the ground floor in the elevator. I leave the hospital and as I make my way to the curb, I slip on a patch of ice and hit the ground hard on my butt. A new wave of pain shoots up my spine and down my legs and I just sit on the ground for a moment, regaining my composure. I close my eyes and let the pain pass.
"Need a hand?" says a very familiar low voice.
I open my eyes and crouching in front of me is the handsome, green-eyed, one and only Avi Kaplan from Pentatonix. My heart skips a beat and I just stare at him, star-struck. It can't be him. No freaking way.
He holds out his hand towards me and repeats, in the same low tone of his: "Need some help getting up?"
I slowly nod and reach out. Avi clasps his hand in mine and pulls me up gently, grabbing my side with his other arm and supporting me as he stands me back up. Keeping one hand on my shoulder, he leans down and grabs my crutches for me. His touch sends shivers down my spine.
I stare gaping at him the whole time he's helping me. My heart is pounding. It's actually him, I keep thinking. My favorite singer who I've had an immense crush on since I was 13 is helping me up. Oh, my God... Am I dreaming?
Avi hands me my crutches and softly pats the snow off my jacket. He smiles widely, cheeks and nose red from the cold.
"Th-thank you," I stammer, finding my voice. My heart races and I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I laugh, looking away.
He laughs also and says, "Hey, I know you! I've seen you and your friends' covers on YouTube. Amazing job."
I look up at him. "You... You've seen our covers?" I squeak. C'mon Ruby, you're ridiculous... He followed Take 5 on Instagram. He's obviously seen them.
He nods and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "I've always wanted to say good job to you in person... And finally I can, so there we go!"
I start completely freaking out, bawling my eyes out, laughing, and almost falling back down, causing Avi to reach out and stabilize me again. "Sorry," I say between sobs. "It's just, I-I've always wanted to meet you, and finally... It's been a lifelong dream, I―"
Avi engulfs me in a tight, warm hug and my heart is like a freight train. He smells of peppermint and woodsmoke, and his arms are strong. I hug him back and sob some more.
He pulls away and looks me straight in the eyes as I wipe away the tears and get over the initial shock of him standing right in front of me and having a conversation with me. "Y'know..." he starts, and I don't know if it's just my imagination, but I think his face flushes a shade darker. "I saw you at the convention a few days ago, and to he honest, I... I mean, I've thought this since I saw your cover of Say Something, but, uh... I thought you were beautiful. I, uh..." he laughs nervously. "I couldn't keep my eyes off of you."
"Yeah. Sorry if that was really straightforward and probably creepy, I mean..."
"No, it's okay," I reassure him, starting to freak out once again. I knew it wasn't just my imagination! "I have a confession too... You've always been my favorite member of Pentatonix; I love your voice and I think you're incredible," I burst out, blushing hard.
We both smile and he gives me another hug.
"I forgot to introduce myself―I'm Ruby McAllister," I say in a wavering voice as we break apart, still totally blown away by Avi's presence.
"Avriel Kaplan," he says. "It's good to finally meet you."
"You and I both!" I say, giggling.
Avi looks at me and his eyes flash with something I can't quite catch. "Well, I don't want to keep you..." he starts awkwardly.
"It's fine, I'm in no rush," I say. Anything for you to stay here and talk to me!
  He shakes his head. "No, really. But... I'd like to continue this chat. There's still a lot more I want to know about you," he says shyly, and my heart stops. "Would you like to go out for coffee sometime?" he asks awkwardly, and this time I'm sure his face becomes redder. Adorable.
WOULD I?! "Yes! I mean, sure, yeah, whatever works for you," I say, running over my own speech.
"Tomorrow at noon?" he asks, more confident now.
YES, YES, YES! TOMORROW AT ANY TIME! I shriek on the inside, but I say, "Sure. Where should I meet you?"
Avi looks at my crutches and takes a moment. "Tell you what. I can come pick you up, I don't want to trouble you."
I'm about to cry again. Avi, my favorite singer, who is standing right here in front of me, just basically asked me out on a coffee date! I'm overwhelmed and starstruck and dizzy with excitement and joy. "Okay. I live on Oliver Drive westbound off of Labernum Street―just look for the dark blue house on the left," I tell him. Whoa, telling a stranger where I live? But he isn't really a stranger... I know so much about him. But still...
He nods and smiles at me again. "All right, see you tomorrow?"
I beam back at him. "Okay."
Avi gives me one last brief hug and we part ways, and this time the ice patches aren't an issue for me.

"Lorraine, you will NOT believe what just happened to me!" I shout as I return home, breathless and sweaty.
She darts into the living room from the hall and helps me over to the couch. "WHAT?!"
I sit down and it feels like my face is going to fall off from smiling. "IMETAVIKAPLANANDHEASKEDMEOUTONACOFFEEDATE!" I yell, my speech really fast and slurring my words.
"AVI! FROM PTX!" I shriek.
Lorraine's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and her jaw drops. "OH MY GOD!" she screams, bringing her hands to her face.
"What's all the fuss?" Gran asks, joining us.
"So you know PTX, right?" I say excitedly.
Gran nods, so I carry on:
"Well today when I was leaving the hospital I slipped on this patch of ice and I fell down and the bass vocalist from Pentatonix named Avi who is my favorite and who I really really like as in LIKE like was there and he helped me up and he said he saw Take 5's covers and he loved them and he's always wanted to meet me and say good job and he wants to get to know me better so he asked me out on a coffee date and he's picking me up tomorrow at noon!" I ramble.
Gran looks at me, clearly puzzled, as Lorraine hops in place. "You what now?"
"Basically, she met her favorite singer and he asked her out on a date," Lorraine sums up.
Gran claps her hands together. "Oh, I understand!" She looks at me and grins. "Well, aren't you a lucky girl! I'm so happy for you, dearest." I'm grateful that she doesn't question me; no interrogations or even an inquiry about his age.
I sigh. "It's crazy, Gran! They―Pentatonix―have seen my covers, and Avi has always wanted to personally tell me how he thought they were great, just as I've always wanted to personally tell him how much I love his music," I say. "It's been my dream since I was thirteen, and oh God, I can't believe it actually happened in real life!"
Gran smiles warmly and pats my knee. "Your dreams deserve to come true."
Tears are brimming in my eyes. "Thanks, Gran," I say.

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