Chapter 11: A Valentine Surprise

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  I wake up from a nice, peaceful sleep, still feeling blissful from yesterday. The sun is shining through the window―it must be around 11am.
  I sit up and stretch, remembering yesterday's events. The cafe, the kiss, and then Avi's sweet late-night texts he sent me.
Picking up my phone off the bedside table, I send Avi a text. "Happy Valentines Day x <3"
The response is almost immediate, and I get the butterflies. I am so infatuated with this man...! "happy valentines, angel. any boys coming to pick you up and take you to a coffee shop today? ;)" the text says.
I giggle. "Lol, no, unfortunately" I reply.
"that's too bad," his next message reads.
I'm wishing he'd send something like, "Lucky me, I'll come pick you up at 2", but there are no more texts. I sigh and slowly get out of bed, using the dresser as support.
I drag myself down the hall and into the dining room and plop down onto a chair, finger-combing my long hair.
  "Morning," Lorraine says from across the table, her mouth full of toast.
  "Good morning," I greet her. Shivering, I say, "Brr. Chilly today, huh?"
She nods. "Yeah. That's the only thing that sucks 'bout central BC―you freeze your ass off in the winter."
I laugh. "True, true, but Vancouver winters are just cold grey rainy days; I don't know who gets it worse."

Gran brings me a plate of blueberry waffles and a syrup pitcher.
"Thank you," I say, cutting up the waffles and taking a bite. "Mm."
Gran smiles then turns to Lorraine. "Could you take out the trash, please, sweetheart?" she asks her.
Lorraine grumbles but gets up and grabs a jacket and the trashbag. She goes and opens the front door, then lets out a cry.
"You okay?" I shout.
"What's the matter?" Gran asks.
There's a thump and rustling as Lorraine puts the bag down, then returns with a giant basket. In it is a bouquet of red roses, a heart-shaped box of chocolate, and an envelope. Very romantic.
My eyes widen. "Ooh, who's it for?"
Lorraine reads the little tag on the basket handle and grins widely. "'To the lovely Ruby,'" she reads.
Gran smiles. "Who's it from?"
Avi, I think to myself. "Not sure," I reply. Gran puts the roses in a vase and I pull out the envelope. My name is written on it in beautiful silvery calligraphy font.
Lorraine sits on the edge of the seat, anticipating the reveal of what's in the envelope.
I rip open the top and pull out the deep red card inside. I open the card and out falls a cheque for $20,000 and Lorraine and I gasp in unison.
She bends down to grab the cheque off the floor, and I look at the writing in the card. "'Dearest Ruby,'" I read. "'You were telling me about your accident yesterday and it killed me to see how pained you werethis is one of my Valentine's gifts to you. I'll see you after the surgery at the hospital. Love, yours truly, Avi Kaplan.'" My voice trembles and I break into tears.
Gran rushes over and reads the card, and her jaw drops. "Oh my goodness... Is he serious?"
Lorraine holds up the cheque. "20 Grand," she announces. "He's pretty damn serious."
Gran starts to cry now, too, and she hugs me. "You are so lucky... That boy is a miracle all in himself," she says.
I nod. "H-he sure i-is," I sob. All of this...from him....for me. Nobody's ever done anything like that, ever.

"You didn't have to do that," I cry into the phone as Avi picks up.
"I did, I really did," he says on the other line. "Seriously. I want to help you, and I want to make sure you're okay. I want what's best for you, I mean it."
I cry harder, unable to answer him. "T-thank you," I whisper between sobs.
"Go," he says gently. "Please. I'll always be here for you, I'm standing by; I'll see you after, all right?"
"Okay," I say with labored breath and hang up.
  "I counted the starts tonight, oh how they shine so bright, I gather them all so we perfectly align..." sings a deep voice.
Avi? My eyes flutter open and my vision is blurred, so I close them again.
  "While we gaze from far away, and separately watch the day, come rising across the ho-ri-zon in our minds," Avi continues.
  It's definitely him. I listen to his beautiful voice as he sings the rest of the song quietly, and finally stir when he leans down and plants a soft kiss on my forehead, touching his hand.
  "You're awake," he says, and I fully open my eyes. My vision is still not focused, but I can make out his shape and see his green eyes, which is good enough for me.
  "Yeah," I try and say, but all that comes out is a wheeze. I clear my throat and try again. "Yeah."
  I blink a couple of times and Avi's face comes into full focus. "How are you feeling?" he asks.
  "I-" I shift my body weight and to my surprise, my knee doesn't hurt anymore, and nor does my ankle. I freeze. "There's no more pain."
  Avi just smiles at me, his eyes bright.
  My eyes are brimming with tears. "There's no more pain!" I shout, pushing myself up into a criss-cross sitting position and pulling Avi into a hug. "Oh my God," I sob into his hood as he returns the hug. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!"
  "Anything for you." Avi lets go of me and cups my face gently, wiping away my tears.
  I lean in and kiss him, warmth flooding my whole soul. "God, I love you," I whisper as I break away from the kiss.
  "I love you, too," he says in his low tone. "I'll go tell the doctors and your grandmother and your cousin Lorraine that you're awake."

Standing By-an Avi Kaplan fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin