Chapter 9: The Story of my Life

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Between sips of hazelnut macchiato, I tell Avi my life experience. "I was born in Victoria and I was raised in Vancouver," I start. "My life was amazing back then. School wasn't too hard, and I had no worries. I was happy.
Then one night when I was eleven years old, I was having my very first sleepover at my best friend's house. After my parents dropped me off, they were heading back home when a van ran a red light at the intersection and crashed into them. The... The car was totaled, and they were pronounced dead at the scene." My voice falters and I take a deep breath.
Avi gasps and squeezes my hand, which he's still holding. "I'm so sorry, Ruby."
I give him a weak smile and continue. "I had no relatives in Vancouver who could become my legal guardians; the only one who could was my Gran, and that's who I live with now. There was a huge court meeting about it, and a lot of paperwork to be done. It was a lot of stress for me as an eleven-year-old. Losing my parents, and then I had to leave everything I had behind and move up here. It was tough.
Whenever I was alone or walking down the street, I had really bad panic attacks. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression when I was twelve. I started attending school again but I was far behind everyone else, and since I became really closed off, I didn't make very many friends. I was that quiet new kid that nobody wanted to talk to." All the memories flow back and I choke up and consider stopping.
Avi doesn't say anything, but he continues to hold my gaze and my hand, giving silent support. It's just me and him now―the cafe, the other customers, the staff... They don't exist. He doesn't press, nor prod, just keeps his eyes locked with mine, the green kindled with something I can't quite catch, the same something that I saw yesterday.
I take a couple breaths and take Avi's other hand. "I started self-harm after second term of my seventh-grade year. I hated my life. I didn't understand why all these horrible things happened to me. Everyone else around me seemed to have perfect lives and I was angry and jealous because mine was such a pile of crap. All I wanted was my old life back. Every horrible feeling I had equaled one cut... None of them were very deep, only a few left scars, but it was still enough to let me sort of release how I felt." I pause and blink a few tears away before speaking again. "That's when I saw Pentatonix on the Sing-Off when I was thirteen. I was so inspired by your music and your effort and your passion and how humble you were. Your music made me happy, and every morning that I started off watching the Sing-Off was the best morning ever. Your work... It inspired me to be better to myself, and I actually stopped cutting. I wanted to become as passionate about something as you were, so I turned to music as well. I went to private vocal lessons and joined the school choir and met Marina, Sam, Kingston, and Chase―the others in Take 5--and they became my first friends here in Prince George."
Avi lets out a long breath and closes his eyes. "I... I'm speechless," he says after a long pause. "Wow. It's incredibly humbling to know that I―along with the rest of Pentatonix―helped you through that." He rests his forehead on our hands for a moment and murmurs something, too low and quiet for me to hear clearly.
"Sorry, I didn't catch that," I say, and he looks up quickly.
"Oh, no, it's nothing," he says. "Just a thought... I've only just met you yesterday, yet it feels as if I've known you forever. Is that just me?"
My heart flutters. "No, Avi, I... I felt that, too. Ever since you helped me up."
There was definitely a spark when he first touched my hand.
His eyes glow and his cheeks flush. "I'm happy that it's not just me feeling that way. Oh, and by the way―if you don't mind me asking―what caused you to need crutches?"
I then proceed on telling Avi about the accident, about Dylan, about Shizuka, about everything. How I had to put my modeling job on hold because of the injury, how I can't afford the surgery and full treatment and thaf I'm worried that I won't ever be able to walk again as a result.
I vent everything to this man that I barely know personally. Normally I wouldn't do that with anyone else, but Avi makes me feel... Safe. Secure. Cared for. I'm comfortable around him both as an individual and as a whole. I've never felt this way with anyone outside of my family―this is a first, and it's wonderful.
After I'm finally done spilling all my deepest and darkest thoughts and memories, Avi gets up from his chair, walks over, and gives me a long, warm hug, and I surrender into him, snuggling up against his solid frame.
"You are probably one of the most inspiring people I have ever had the priviledge of meeting," he says, resting his chin on the top of my head. His heart thrums deep and low in his chest, making my pulse quicken. "Honest. You are such a strong person and you've been through so much... I wouldn't have been able to live through all of that. I would've given up. Knowing that you went through all of that and you're still here today with a smile on your face―that is so amazing." He steps back a tad so our cheeks are touching and says softly into my ear, "I just wish I'd met you sooner."
I don't loosen my grip on his jacket. "Avi..."
He pulls back and lightly kisses me on the cheek, and I'm weak. "You know, I'm serious when I say I'll be here to catch you if you fall," he says. "Ever since I first saw you, singing your covers, I felt...something." He blushes. "I don't know what, but it was there. So if you need anything―anything at all―let me know, okay? You need someone in your life to help you out, and..." He trails off.
I feel tears pooling in my eyes and I nod thankfully. My dream... Coming true. "Thank you," I breathe, sliding my hands down his arms and holding his hands again. "Really, I―"
All of the sudden, the pain in my leg from standing for too long kicks in and it gives way and I fall back into the chair.

Standing By-an Avi Kaplan fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें