Chapter 8: Avi Kaplan is a Gentleman

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This morning, I'm buzzing with excitement as I get ready, barely feeling the pain in my leg as I pull on a pair of black jeans.
I choose a simple white button-up top with a black lace collar and a black beanie, leaving my hair down. I decide not to put on foundation and dab a bit of concealer under my eyes and swipe on a few layers of mascara and put on nude lipstick. I have trouble deciding what jacket to wear, and with the help of Lorraine, I settle on a grey-and-maroon pecan coat.
As noon approaches, I put on the coat and a pair of dark brown UGG boots and check myself over in the mirror again and again. My hands are clammy and my breath is shallow―this is my first real date, and it's with a celebrity. This is crazy! I think to myself.
There's a couple knocks on the door and I almost topple off my chair.
Lorraine rushes over and opens the door, immediately freezing in her tracks and staring wide-eyed at Avi, who stands in the doorway.
"Hey," he says to her, and she just continues to stare.
I stare, too. Avi is incredibly handsome, beard trimmed and his brown curls resting just above his shoulders underneath a grey beanie. He looks even more striking in his black coat, which accents his eyes and makes them even greener. His face lights up and he smiles as he sees me, and my heart melts.
I shift my weight onto the crutches and stand up, meeting Avi in the entryway.
"Hey," I say shyly, looking up at him.
He looks down and pokes my nose. "Hi, you."
I giggle and turn to Lorraine, who's slowly coming back to her senses. "Tell Gran that Avi picked me up, okay? I'll call home when I'm on my way back," I say.
Lorraine nods and then winks at me. "Have fun," she whispers and I say "I will" and depart with Avi.
Avi carefully helps me down the stairs, spotting me and making sure I'm stable the whole time, keeping a light touch on my back and shoulder. He then runs over, opens the car door on the passenger's side, and gently helps me into the car. What a gentleman, I think.
He pulls out of the driveway and we're off. "Did you want to go have lunch or just grab a coffee?" he asks me.
"I'm not very hungry," I answer. "Coffee would be perfect."

"Careful, it's icy," Avi warns me as I get out of the car, standing over me.
"It's okay, I can handle―ah!" I slip and fall forward... not onto the slush, but into Avi's arms. He pulls me back up and I lean into him, breathing in his warm scent.
"Thank you," I say softly.
"You're welcome," he says, and his voice vibrates deep within his chest. I love it. "I'll always be here to catch you if you fall," he whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my back.
I look into his eyes. They're dark and genuine, showing concern and compassion. He really cares...
I embrace him quickly and stabilize myself, then we're on our way to the door of the Starbucks.
Avi holds the door open for me. I choose a table in a little nook on the far end of the cafe beside the fireplace, where he pulls out my chair for me, then goes and orders for me after I tell him what I'd like.
I take off my coat and watch him with my chin propped up in my hands, feeling blissful and almost daydream-like. I'm here, in a cafe, with Avi Kaplan. I have to pinch myself to prove that this whole thing is reality.
As I observe Avi while he stands in the lineup, I really see how polite and kind and sweet he is. A little girl spills her hot chocolate all over the floor right after getting it, and he's down on his knees in a split second with napkins, wiping the mess up and offering to buy the little girl another hot chocolate, which he does. Then, he helps an elderly woman back to her table, carrying her drinktray and asking if there was anything else she needed. He then grabs our drinks, thanking the server and the cashier, and sits back down in front of me, placing the drinks on the table and removing his jacket.
"So sorry to keep you waiting," he starts, face apologetic. "I―"
I reach across the table and clasp his large, warm hands in mine, and he's taken aback. "Its okay, don't be sorry. Seeing you do what you did for those other people... It was great. You're even more incredible than I originally thought," I say.
He blushes and entwines his fingers in mine. "So, Ruby McAllister." I love the way he says my last name with a little Texas drawl―Mackallister. Cute. "Tell me your story."

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