Chapter 3

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Last nights dream really freaked me out. I honestly have never had a dream like that one and I was glad but I guess thats streak is gone.
"Hanna its 12:30 wake up you have work" my mom yelled from down stairs. "mmm i'll be down in a minute." I let out a sigh and got out bed and went to take a shower.
When I was in the shower I thought to myself what that dream was and Why I had it. There was no other explination. It was going to happen. I quickly washed all the shampoo out of my hair, got out and threw on some light washed jeans and a crop top and my old worn out converse.
I called into work and called out sick. I grabbed a bag with a notebook, and some touch up make up. I always bring make up with me. almost everywhere. I feel that I look terrible with out it and because I was driving to LA, I sure as hell would need some to not look like a total hobo there. I ran down stairs grabbed my keys and raced out the door so my mom wouldn't see me. Even though i'm 19 she treats me like i'm 5. I kid you not. She still makes me mickey mouse pancakes. That's how bad it is.

I got in my car and opened my notebook so I could tell when that dream took place. From what I had written it seemed to be around halloween. Its only mid August so I had two months to find river befriend him and make sure that he doesn't die. It's around 1:15 now so people are on their lunch breaks and LA is busy anyways. I thought to myself that I would probably have to stay the night to complete what I was doing. I ran back inside and grabbed my secret stash of emergency money becuase even of I don't stay the night I have to eat and everywhere there rips you off just because they can, ugh reasons I hate cities.
I turned on the engine and started to drive. I knew how to get to LA; Even though I don't go there much if you follow the highway road signs there was no way you could really get lost. I actually kind of hated that. Everyone comes for hollywood. I don't see a huge deal with it to be honest. You look at some names of a side walk, and old looking movie theater, some yellow cop tape, a sign, and big houses that belong to conceeded assholes who call themselves talented. I arrived in LA about an hour later its was around 2:00 and boy, I was starving. Maybe next time I should eat breakfast before I start looking to be friends with a famous person. I found a nice looking café so I pulled in grabbed a twenty and sat down in a booth in the back of the café. This cafe was actually quite fasinating. It was supposed to look like a 50's diner sort of thing and there were about 300 pictures hung up on the wall of all random people. So if you come in here its almost like writing. " y/n was here" on the wall. Sadly I didn't have a picture or else I would have put it up there in a heart beat. A waitress came over and I ordered a sandwich and a Coke. A few minutes later she handed me my food and drink. The cafe was pretty dead, there was a couple sitting but other than them and the workers, there was nobody. I heard the door thing ring and walking in was an insanly handsome man with emerald eyes and short black hair but that in no way fooled me. River Phoenix, THE River Phoenix just walked in. I was totally taken by surprised. I honest thought that I wouldn't find him and I would have to spend every waking hour reminded of what I could have done. but I never had the chance too.... I instantly got caught up in his eyes, you couldn't look away. Like they were made to trap you in and never let you go and it was working, i'll tell you that.

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