chapter 6

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I woke up and had no idea where I was. But when I looked the the right of my I remembered everything. The night me and River had spent. Something felt safe about him. Usually if I woke up in a random persons house I would have freaked and just ran away without saying anything. But there was no point in leaving here. I had no where to go or to be so why not stay? Plus i'm laying next to THE River Phoenix which was pretty great too...
I let out a big sigh and relaxed my entire body. I have been so uptight the past few days that if you shoved a lump a coal up my ass it'd turn into a diamond. I can never just sit back and relax anymore. I have to work to support myself and I help my mom with my brother and while shes working night shifts I watch him, feed him etc. Maybe while i'm here I can let all of that go. I felt a shift and looked over where River was starting to wake up. I just starred at him; He was so beautiful. Like he was a strait gift from god. An animal rights activist, vegan, tries to make the world a better place. He seemed so much different from the other stars. The common celebrities were stuck up, flashy, rude, and expect everything they want to be served to them on a silver platter. If only they realized how the more they gain the more people sink. Instead of buying a new 200,000 dollar car, fucking donate to a charity that could actually do something for the world beside killing trees to put that car on the front of a magazine cover. I need to stop thinking so negatively for once. Clearing my mind isn't going to be as easy as I thought it'd be.

River fully woke up. He looked like an angel, with his hair messed up and falling in his face. I looked at him and smiled "good morning you sure slept well". Rubbing his eyes he said "did I sleep on you the whole night?" I nodded and laughed and he let out a chuckle too. I looked at the cable box and realized it was already 12:45 in the afternoon. "I better be going home" I said getting up to grab my purse and car keys. "No don't leave. I can make you breakfast and then we can go out for the day?" He said looking at me giving me puppy eyes "Fuck it why not" I said sighing "yay!" he said like a 12 year old girl. I could only laugh at him.

For breakfast I don't even know what he made me. It was some type of vegan food but honestly it tasted pretty good. Maybe being a vegan wasn't terrible but on the other hand chicken nuggets...
"How do you like vegan food?" he asked me
"Its honestly not as bad as I thought it's be." I said "But I don't think I could ever become one especially where I wasn't raised being one." I added
"Yeah I understand that; but animals don't get a say so I like to think by me not eating them is saving them." he said seriously.
"Thats a good spirit to have. I've never met a vegan but it seems actually comes to sense of being one. You stay healty and you also save animals. What's better than that?"
Rivers POV

Hanna is so beautiful.The way her long wavy brown hair falls down her back or how her crystal blue eyes glisten in the sunlight. But there's something different about her. She's sensitive but at the same time tough as a bull. After last night when she told me about her dad I felt terrible for her. I could only imagine her situation and how hard it must be to live without a dad. If I lost my dad I don't know what i'd do. She seems like she carries a lot on her sholders by the way she always seems tense.
I wanted to get closer to her. She seems amazing beside the fact she isn't vegan but that's not really a big deal because lots of people aren't. I wonder if she actually doesn't know who I am or if she's pretending. No. She couldn't do that. She doesn't seem like that kind of person to do something like that. I hate having to constantly think like this. What am I thinking anymore? Worrying if i'm hanging out with a fan or not. Like really. Get a grip River.

"So what do you have planned for today?" Hanna asked me "I'm not totally sure maybe we could hit Venice beach? If not I could find something else to do." I replied "Geez I haven't been to the beach in years. I'd love to go" she said with a smile that went cheek to cheek on her face but then it went to a frown. "whats wrong?" I asked "I don't have a bathing suit. I wasn't really planning staying in LA for more than a night." she said kicking at her own feet and looking at the floor.
"Well I could always drive you home and you could pick one up, You should probably check in with your family too." I suggested "I live almost an hour away." she said "That's fine we still have all day." I said smiling. "Then lets go" she said almost running out the door. I could tell today was going to be fun.

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