Chapter 7

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Rivers p.o.v

          When we finally got to Hanna's house I realized why she thought my house was so big and extravagant. She lived in a small ranch style house which I presumed was occupied only by her, her mom, and her brother based on last nights conversation which, by the way, was probably the saddest thing I've ever heard in my entire life and I felt so bad for Hanna and the responsibilities she has to take on.

"Are you just going to wait in the car or are you going to come inside?" she asked sarcastically.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I responded turning off the engine and getting out of the car.
When we got inside it looked a little bigger than what it looked to be on the outside, but don't get me wrong it was very very small. You walk into a small living room with a love seat and a small TV, the living room connected to s kitchen and there was a flight of stairs to what was probably an attic. A young looking boy was sitting on the couch totally focused on watching the screen.
"Hey Kevin, where's mom?" Hanna asked her brother.
"Sleeping, she's sick. Who's this?" He asked but there was something weird. He studied me and then it clicked.
"Woah Hanna do you know who that is!!??!!" Kevin almost yelled with excitement. I really hope this doesn't change anything with Hanna because she talked to me like I was human, like she didn't know who I was and I loved it.
"Yeah his name is River, I met him at a small coffee shop in LA... Why are you so excited?" She said letting out a small nervous laugh.
"Hanna what are yo-" Kevin was cut off
"Okay Kevin I think you watch to much TV go get some snacks" Hanna said then started to go up the stairs. I wonder why she was acting so weird. Something definitely doesn't add up right, maybe she does know who I am. She could be using me because I'm river Phoenix, to her I'm probably just another sex icon. What am I thinking she could never do that.

Hannah p.o.v

I started walking up the stairs and I let out a large sigh. That was so close I could have been totally blown and river would never forgive me and that means he would die, and I would be a murderer. Well not really but I would have been able to stop him and I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I went in my room and packed a few more things, a bathing suit, towel, and suntan lotion for the beach. I also packed basic outfits in a suit case that would last me a couple weeks and I took the rest of my money.

"Why are you packing all of this stuff?" River startled me.
"I'm going to find a place to live in LA, I have been saving all my money for my entire life and there's more job opportunities out there and I have business to take care of." I responded.
"Well until you find a place you're welcome to stay with me, because honestly it gets lonely living alone." He said kind of in a sad tone.
"Thank you river" I responded with a smile.

I finished packing and went back downstairs with River. My mom was awake so I introduced them to each other.
"Hanna your home who's this?" She asked me
"Mom this is river, river this is my mom" I said with a desperate smile on my face. She knew exactly who he was and how obsessed I was with him. She read my face expression and knew what to do.
"Nice to meet you River, you seem very nice." She said holding out her hand. They shook hands.
"Hanna honey what are you doing with all those bags and your money? Are you leaving?" She looked lost.
"Mom, I've decided to move to LA. It's not too far and I can make more money. Until I find a place I will be staying with River and I will visit often and always keep in touch. I'm 19 and I think it's time for me to leave and for you to stop taking care of me to focus on your work and Kevin because he needs you the most" I started to tear up, I would miss my mom so much but I know what's best for me and for her.
"Oh Hanna I will miss you I wish you wouldn't go" she said while walking over to hug me.
I realized how River was still awkwardly standing there not knowing what to do. My mom let out a sigh and let go of me.
"Well honey I'm not in charge of you anymore so live you life! Have fun and make sure we always stay in touch and come visit." I nodded and hugged Kevin. Me and River grabbed my bags waved goodbye and walked out of the house.

---------------------------- 5 hours later -----------

      We went to the beach that was closest ride out from my house and it was totally packed and was NOT what I expected. Everyone saw River and the next thing you know, cameras and fans are swarming us taking pictures and asking questions. It was so overwhelming I don't know how River handles this 24/7  to be honest. He put his arm around me and helped push through the crowd. As soon as we broke through it he yelled to run to the car so we did. I had never ran so fast in my life I was outrunning River.
We reached the car and we both jumped in and slammed the doors & rolled up the windows.
"RIVER WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! I THOUGHT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN AND RELAXING? DID YOU FUCKING KNOW THIS WOULD HAPPEN?" I was beyond furious, I knew that he knew this would happen. I stared at him waiting for an answer.
"Look Hanna, I'm sorry I thought we could blend in because of the amount of people but it didn't work out that way AND IM SORRY OKAY?!" He looked upset and confused. I looked at him and he looked back at me and before I knew it he crashed his lips onto mine. I felt sparks fly I was kissing River Phoenix. Oh shit. I was kissing River Phoenix and then I heard the flash of a camera and I knew I was totally screwed. One because I barley know him, two He's dating Samantha Mathis. Three by tomorrow this is going to be magazine headlines EVERYWHERE. We disconnected our lips and we both looked at each other, thinking the same thing.
"Look Hanna I'm dating Samantha Mathis I bet you've heard of her (of course i know who she is) and this is going to ruin it for us I know it. Damn it I screwed up, but I felt something in that kiss. That's what messes me up."
All I could do was look at him and think about how I just ruined his relationship, and his reputation, he's going to harassed about this for weeks.
I looked down at my hands "I'm so sorry."

Sorry I haven't updated I've been so busy with back to school and I've been sick and it's just I've been stressed with drama on vine and it's just a lot BUT I WILL be updating more and I won't end this book. Hope this long chapter made up for it.

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