Me and Mysterious Assassin (part3)

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I heard someone talking and that voice is Fai...? Who were she talking too? *slowly open her eyes* Xhao... Your awake finally, she sit up and stand as she tried to open the door.
"She's alone...?" He asked.
"Y-yes after her younger brother die- *open* *surprised* l-lady Xhao... Your up... How's your fever?" Fai asked.
Fever...? "Where did I got my fever?" She thought.
"Lady Xhao...?" Fai call Xhao's name.
"Oh... Yes I'm fine now... Fai could you prepare me something please I want to eat even just a little bit." I said.
Is their something in your mind Xhao?... It was kinda strange because I felt Xhao and also her thoughts as I watch Fai left Wei and both of us left alone.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"Is that how you thanked someone who save your life?" Wei asked.
"*blushed* t-thanks.... But that not it... Why would a assassin asked about my life?" Xhao asked.
Suddenly he put his hand on my mouth as Wei took Xhao inside Xhao's room.
"*let go* you should think what you just said." Wei said.
He look at us with those eyes again.
"Why would like you suddenly want to know me... Is it because you want know who are you going to assassinated next? Or is it because I know your identitiy?" I asked.
"*hmp* (he smile but different smile I hate it) *thud* have you ever forgotten who I was? (Someone coming... Its Fai *realisation * small knife that is but I feel calm... Xhao...) *stare*..." Wei said.
"I don't know what you were thinking but doing this... I see.. You really are an assassin... I won't tell anyone about your identity but at least... Please don't harm them... You can kill me anytime you want." I said.
"Your strange.... (Xhao and I was a bit surprised) even I made an attempt to kill you but.... *shaking*.... Kuh.... *leaving the room*" Wei said.
"What just happen... That was the first time I saw him... Even though his eye has the killer instinct but deep inside... his.... Lonely and.... Sad.... Why?" Xhao thought.
I know what you feel but is this will be alright.... After that we never saw him again 2 days left before Ming come to this house again but also Xhao didn't say anything to her aunt because it might also hard to her to accept even though it seems Xhao want to see him but she don't know this kind of feelings I think this is also her first to experience falling in love because as she practice dancing Xhao keep looking to where Wei always standing *trip* ... Look out!
"*thud* o-ow...."
"L-lady Xhao! *worried* are you alright?" Fai asked.
"Y-yes... I'm sorry .... I got tripped I almost forgot the steps sorry..." I said.
"Hmp! Trying to fool me Xhao? Or you don't want to do this right?!" Aunty said.
"*slowly standing up* no aunty... I won't disobey you and also it might because of my fatigue got low so please don't think to much aunty... And also you need to rest so that Ming would see you in wonderful and delighted, seeing his mother didn't lack of sleep." I said.
As I look at her she suddenly look at the mirror
"Lady Xhao is right ma'am you need to rest so young master will be happy seeing you...! *excited*..." Fai said.
"*blushed* t-then... Maybe your right... (She look at us) I guest your right then I'll go take a long rest so that Ming, my son will be delighted to see me.... But Xhao...! I want it perfect understood?!" Aunty asked.
"I understand... (As we look at her went to the main house Xhao and I felt the same way)...." Xhao said.
Xhao sat down and try to relax a bit without knowing she look at were he first Wei watching at her dance.
"Lady Xhao...?" Fai said.
"*surprised* y-yes!" I said.
"You always keep looking at that spot is it because of lord Wei?" Fai asked.
"*surprised* am I always looking that way *just realize* (ahahaha... I shouldn't have too laugh like that but I think Xhao really didn't mean to be like that but she just realize it now but I guess if it me I should be the same looking at that place without knowing it was already love) *sigh* why suddenly it became like this... I always want to stay away from him because were different and also he's... *surprised* ahh... I said to much." I said.
"That was close I almost said it" Xhao thought.
"Lady Xhao perhaps you must be in love?" Fai said.
"Eh! I-im in love?!.... Ahahahaha! Stop it Fai... How can I be fall in love to that guy... And besides *clenched* I'm already had been knotted to tie a relationship to Ming." I said.
Xhao... Don't say stupid things about it I know you do love Wei and why can you see it.
"I'm going back to practice... *smile* .... Fai its okay... I know what I felt don't worry it is not love for that man." I said.
Even though I can't see Fai expression but I know... Xhao...
"Thats not it... (Hmmm...?) I'm not saying that I hate him or I don't like him... Like...? Am I ... Am I really like him? No... No! I'm thinking to much I need to practice." Xhao thought.
Geez... You do like him after all but I can blame you because he made you messed up a bit... Well looking at you practicing for that guy(Ming) really made worry but at the end you manage to make it beautifully... And the night has come as aunty welcome Ming I saw his face with a gentle approach to his mother and as he notice me I felt different glare same goes to Xhao even though she knew that Ming would like to asked Xhao about what happened but they couldn't meet because Xhao tried not too.
"*thud* did you told mother!?" Ming asked.
We were both surprised sudden he appeared from the other way to the stage and also we were both stunt the way he look at Xhao, I feel her emotion
"I said have you ever told mother what happened!" Ming asked.
"No... (As Xhao look at him it seems he was quite irritated the way Xhao look him) if I ever did it will worsen aunt's sickness and I don't like that either." I said.
Before he could add someone shows up and Ming change his attitude as highly as he want too but before he left he whispered.
"I'll be looking forward later." Ming said.
I felt Xhao's shiver to her spine as if something bad will be happened but shell try not to pass him.
Fai showed up and told Xhao to prepare herself to perform but Xhao your not nervous are you...? Is it because Ming said those thing earlier... Even though you can't hear me but don't worry nothing going to happen just breath and it make calm down.
"*breathing in and out slowly* okay... It will be alright." I said.
*smile* that's my girl show them how beautiful you dance as I look at them they were stunt and amaze by Xhao because how graceful she move and as she open her mouth it brings wonderful sound to their ears and I notice Ming he almost finish 3 bottle of wine... Fai went to Xhao and happily congrats her because Xhao made it possible she finish it wonderfully and no mistake and it made her happy, as Xhao were left alone at the bar finishing cleaning as she suggested Fai to go sleep and she can finished it, Xhao close the bar for last thing she did... *flint* Xhao someone here.... Xhao!
"*notice* *turn* *surprised* Mi-... Humf.... *muttered*.." Xhao said.
"Ming! What are you doing *stunt* (trying to break and licking Xhao) stop it don't lick me...! Let me go!" I muttered.
"Don't talk or would like to for it here?" Ming said.
Ming...! You... Asshole let Xhao go! Xhao! Run try to break free and run! I know you can't here me but... Xhao!!! Xhao step his foot and kick him and she run but Ming... We know that it is hard to run when you wear a dress but Xhao took off her shoes and tried to run as fast as she can but Xhao stumble and fall she look back and she knew she was out from the village but she still she tried to stand and run Ming grab her and slap Xhao fall again because she felt tired and her body couldn't move at all she can't even bring herself up, she drag herself trying to get away from him and it was also full moon, it was bright.
"Still trying to run awayfrom me (he suddenly grab her hand turn her to see her face but I don't know what face she shown to Ming that Ming can make a expression) you... Trying to laugh at me now that is why I hate that face of yours but anyway I'll get what I want from you *laugh*.." Ming said.
I couldn't say anything all of Xhao's strength were gone and she can't do anything and she's scared too I was too because I felt Xhao pain then Xhao thought calling for help.
"N-no... *gripping* let go of me... Help me! Please... Please help me!... WEI!!!" I thought.
As Xhao close her eyes suddenly she heard Ming had been yanking and he flew away as Xhao slowly open her eyes seeing shining red flashes from the brightness from the moon and eyes who could killed any moment and that
"W-wei...?" I muttered.
"How dare you laying your finger on her!" Wei said.
"*laugh* what's this a general trying to save such a whore...! (His trying to stand up and wipe his blood to his mouth) Xhao is my fiancée and you don't have any right to tell me!" Ming said.
Ming laugh as he want then suddenly Wei lunch him and Chao notice, we notice his going to kill Ming Chao run toward Wei and hug him at the back.
"Wei! Please stop! Your killing him! Please don't kill him...! *tears dripping*..." I said.
Wei saw Xhao's crying he suddenly let Ming go, Ming got unconscious as I stare at him suddenly Wei hug Xhao, without knowing she hug him back we know even the moon is watching Wei and Xhao fell in a deep spell and a sweet passionate kiss drawn to both of them because I don't know what happened I felt in drawn to sleep.

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