Me and Mysterious Assassin (Last Part)

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Xhao and Wei talked various things and it made me happy to see them like this they were talking about the babies name and all and it made Xhao quite happy then they arrive at the village but Wei stop and put her down.
"Xhao I'm sorry I can't take you back to your house but be careful and our gift." Wei said.
"Yes..." Xhao said.
A little bit tears dripping on her face maybe because Xhao miss him so much Wei smile and kiss her even it was a normal kiss it made Xhao blushed then I noticed Wei look other way.
"Wei...?" Xhao called his name.
"I-if you made that expretion just now I want to take you away from here... *blushed*" Wei said.
*giggled* it was the first time for me and Xhao to see like that really he is cute.
"Ahem.... I should get going back I'll just visit you after two days we just need to do this and my own job." Wei said.
"I know but still I'm going to miss you after all." Xhao said.
Wei couldn't help himself and kissed her then someone saw them but he hide and told to Ming what he saw.
At morning Fai running and open the door.
"Lady Xhao... Where have you been I was worried about you and also some rumors just spread right now." Fai said.

Rumore...? What rumore? Fai... I'm alright I told you didn't I, I was going to break the engagement because I already have someone I love." I said.
"Lady Xhao... So... It is true!"
"True...? What do you mean?" I asked.
"(Look away) some of the villager saw both of you and General Wei kissed they said you were... Like using a black magic or hypnosis to control General Wei so that he could fall in love with you." Fai said.
"Is that so... Well I don't have time to bother such rumor (Failed would say anything but) Fai... Do you even believe that I would do such a thing for lord Wei... I love him even though you won't believe me." Xhao said.
Xhao if I can't just... If she could here me... Please Xhao, Fai is the only person could understand you don't throw her away like this.... I don't understand at all... Fai say something please! Why! Why can't anyone can here me?!
"Lady Xhao... I believe in you... (I was surprised even Xhao both our heart were connected but our love for a person are to different than what we could think) then please tell me exactly why would you go where Lord Wei went and why is that.?" Fai asked.
Without knowing it both is smile differently, Xhao told Fai everything Fai was surprised at the same time laughing.
"I see now... I never saw you like this Lady Xhao." Fai said.
"What do you mean Fai?" I asked.
"I remember when both you and your brother came here your eyes they look empty even though you always smile and had a courage to do so but after a long way your eyes sparkled because the old master to this house was a good uncle to both of you but then tragic your uncle died saving the prince then before long your brother died people spread rumor about you they called you death princess because no emotion that you couldn't feel I was scared that those eyes I saw have gone lost I couldn't see those warm smile and a bright and sparkling eyes but I was mistaken lord Wei gave you life and now soon both of you will have a precious gift to born." Fai said.
Xhao and I couldn't hold our tears... Zhao couldn't say anything because their were so much to say but she couldn't, I was crying because I feel what Xhao's feel... The rumor still spreading Chao's belly had shown a little because of her dress it won't shown Chao's aunt went to the other village and she might be back for 1 week because it was her sister's marriage, Ming, we never saw him and it was unusual that the sub emperor would call him but it was better that way.
Xhao arrive home almost the sun comes down Fai run toward me giving a letter and it was Wei but something's wrong Wei wouldn't do this Xhao feel the same but because of excitement wanting to see him badly she went anyway at the letter says meet me at the bamboo forest I have something for you.. I'll be waiting even though I know this but I can't help myself either seeing Xhao this excitement want me to cheer her up there I saw someone we both thought that man is Wei but as I suspicious to see his left ear has no earring like Wei I was scared and slowly go back but two people I don't know even Xhao grab and tried to keep Xhao quite the towel has a scent of medicine I lost consciousness... I heard someone Xhao has awoken.
"Lord Ming... (Ming? Did he just called Ming's name?! That bastard what did he want to Xhao again... Chao slowly open her eyes but she didn't even move... Zhao?!) This women is pregnant why would like her, you are trying so hard just to get her and be your wife and also your opponent is a General." He said.
"Shut up! *smack* *eep!* it has nothing to do with you that Wei stole Xhao from me...! But I don't have anything to worry this night I told someone it was message from Xhao that they mist meet at the cliff of bamboo forest were a night of full moon that will be I have something for you... *laugh* he did not know it was a trap we will kill him and I'll take anything I want.... AHAHAHAHA!" Ming said.
Xhao still couldn't move but the rope lossen a bit they must lossen it a bit so that they must not hurt Xhao and the baby, I heard horses Ming went out 2 people left I saw a small hole and Xhao could fit in, Xhao move more to lossen the rope and the two man notice her Xhao fight back using a sword Xhao knocked the first person but the other man punch Xhao's belly, Xhao caught on but the thing hurt the most is something coming out from Xhao the man remember that Xhao's is pregnant he suddenly run away Xhao was in deep pain and I can feel it too.
"Aaaaahhhh! Nnnoooo! My baby...! Ughng! (Xhao! Please anyone help Xhao! ANYONE! Even though she was in pain and she's bleeding she stood up hold her belly she run... I keep calling and calling her to stop if she can't stop she might lost of blood please stop!) I... I must save Wei...! I don't want Wei died! If he died then I prefer to lost life eather I'm sorry my precious gift I can't stand losing your father." Xhao said.
I remember this scene... The scene were both of Xhaoe and Wei died... Why?! Why I'm so hopeless why I can't save you! All I can do is crying then I spot Wei he did nothing he was smiling and waiting for Xhao, even though Xhao's bleeding, she run as fast as she can that man she knew him that was Ling, he did this he was aiming Wei's heart, Wei was look the other way as he arrow went to Wei's heart.
"Wei?!" I called.
Wei turn and catch Zhao and arrow struck at Xhao's back Ming and others saw it Wei was furious he scream as he could I felt him his shaking tears dripping in his eyes but the lust of blood to kill blowing in him.
"W-wei... (When I called his name his eyes change sorrow, pain but no desire of killing he kneel down and saw Xhao bleeding at her back and notice at her dress to) i-i'm sorry... *teary* I... I couldn't save our baby... *cough-cough* (blood splurt out from Xhao's mouth but even though she still spoke) b-but I... I'm so glad... Your ... S-save." Xhao said.
"Don't say anymore... W-we will find some doctor... Just don't leave me...!" Wei said.
I felt Xhao's losing her strength but she still move she slowly lift her hand and put it in his face I can here the wave splashing at the stone I can feel it the slightest blackish in my eyes Xhao... She's scared... She's scared to die alone then Wei grab a small knife and as he strike it in his heart without hesitate Xhao use her hand but the knife metal is long and it reach to his lungs not to his heart even though she knew Wei is a assassin they use for like this he can manage to live but he tried to stop his breathing.
"Xhao... The moment I saw you ... I... I fell In.. Love to this women who can saw through me... I love to this eyes of yours if ... If I can't have you then.
. I prefer to die just to be with you.... I love you!." Wei said.
The gushing to his chest and his coughing also Xhao was scared to lost him but Xhao also scared of being alone then Wei took a ring it was made in a ruby just like his earring.
"I die vowing to stay by your side even death... But now I wish for us to meet again and that time we could love freely and no one would take you away from me... I promise from our blood mixing together... *cough-cough*...." Wei said.
"Then... I... Promise ... To you...our love... Will be ...remain...the same... Whoever you are... I'll be the women... Who could... Stole ...this heart... I love... You.... Wei.... Our...promise... Had been witness by ....the moon.... " Zhao said.
My strength... Xhao lost to much of blood and Xhao's hand slip to Wei's face and slowly Xhao close her eyes the last drop of Xhao's tears I heard screaming Zhao's name and I felt that we were falling Wei keep holding Xhao... I... Can't here anything... I don't know what happened.....

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