Me and Mysterious Assassin (5 part)

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Because what that old man says Xhao feel uncomfortable.
"Did he... He says I'm pregnant and I'll die with my child...? *badumb-badumb* I... I'm nervous what if... What if.... Really am pregnant... (Touching Xhao's belly) ..." Xhao thought.
Xhao headed to Dr. Hei's house to know the truth about her situation as she head inside a couple came out to his clinic.
"Oh... L-lady Xhao... *bow*.."
"Oh.. Please don't...."
"Lady Xhao you came late." Dr. Hei said.
"I'm sorry I went to trouble again." Jokingly Xhao said.
Dr. Hei chuckle and he introduse the couple for me Dr. Hei said that the women carrying the man child and both of them are happy to hear the great news Xhao's expression change... Xhao are you still worries what just the old man said?
"Lady Xhao?" Dr. Hei called.
"*snap* ah... I'm sorry.. What was that?" Xhao asked.
"*sigh* I was talking about symptoms did you ever had it?" Dr. Hei said.
"Oh...! Y-yes... Well that is.. Every morning I throw up without any reasons..." Xhao said.
"Hmmm... Did you eat something that made throw up?" Dr. Hei said.
"N-no... (Xhao I guess Dr. Hei didn't get you at all) .... Dr. Hei... The thing is that it was almost we--."
"Papa... (Its Chei...) I have a tea... *smile*..." Chei said.
When Xhao smell the tea she want to throw up again she went out the clinic searching for rest room to throw up.
"(She went back wiping her face) I'm sorry... Dr. Hei I don't understand why I throw up suddenly... *sigh* ... Sorry.." Xhao said.
"Now I get it... Lady Xhao your pregnant." Dr. Hei said.
"*shock* eh...! I.... I'm pregnant...?" Xhao said.
"Yes that is right lady Xhao... But I wonder how can like you got pregnant even their nothing between you and master Ming." Dr. Hei said.
As Xhao look at him who keep trying to piece it out but Xhao it is you have to decide to tell him about your relationship with Wei because I knew Wei is the father your carrying right now.... Beside I've noticed that you're closed to him and his daughter.
"Dr. Hei... I'll tell you the truth..." Xhao said.
"*curious* what is it?" Dr. Hei said.
"But please could you hide it from people about this (he nod) .... You're right... After what happened to Zhen and his wife my only friend I broke the will of Ming's father... I was engage to Ming but I broke it and I realize I fell in love for the first time to him and without hesitate we did it I never have thought that I could get pregnant but..."
"Wait lady Xhao who are you preferring to be the father that you are carrying right now?!" Dr. Hei asked.
"*blushed* (oh...! Please Xhao it is not the time to blushed but oh well if I'm in your situation I might as well get shy and embarrass to tell him...) Well... I should I say it... Please Dr. Hei don't tell anyone about this and the father of baby.... (Dr. Hei nod) it... It was lord W-wei..." Xhao said.
I don't what kind of reaction does Dr. Hei because Xhao is looking down... Xhao at least try to see what faces he did.
"S-should I look at him... B-but i-i'm nervous what if he made a face that... Ugh..! I'm scared but I need to see what face he make that I told him about Wei." Xhao thoughts.
Slowly Xhao look to Dr. Hei and even I was a bit shock Dr. Hei face he made is calm and he would like to listen he won't judge Xhao at least that was it but it was Xhao couldn't hold her tears even I don't know Xhao might be happy, sad or is it because she's relief to see Dr. Hei's reaction I don't know but in my heart I'm also relief.
"Lady Xhao I shouldn't have stick my nose on your business but how did it happened that the father your carrying right now is a general and that man... Did he... (Curious) don't tell me Lady Xhao...! Did he blackmail you because he knew you were master Ming fiancee?!" Dr. Height said.
As I look at him he was panicking and worried about Xhao and it was kind a cute to see him like this but Xhao he must to know about your relationship with Wei.
"*giggled* (Dr. Hei look at Xhao) don't worry he didn't I know him 3 months ago the first time I met him I thought a devil would take me away by his eyes and touch but then as I know him better his an angel who would like to protect his princess and I love the way he treat me as me that is why please don't tell anyone about this he might got.... (I think Dr. Hei quite shock a bit what just you told him well *sigh* he did got shock though) Dr. Hei?! I know it is shocking to know about this but..."
"No2x that's not it... Lady Xhao... Well that might as well but I never thought that our princess of death would fall in love with the God of death and it was also a bad idea but lady Xhao I am happy for you even I knew it might be a very bad idea." Dr. Hei said.
"H-huh?!... Why is that? I don't really understand what you just said... Whose god of death and what do you mean about very bad idea...?" Xhao asked.
"Well... That is.. Lady Chao uhm... I know you don't believe me but gen. Wei has a sec-- *knock-knock* . . e-excuse me that might be my guest now I want you relay gen. Wei to tell him your great news and lady Xhao don't worry about what just I said." Dr. Hei said.
As we both look Dr. Hei went to fetch his guest I was worried about the what Dr. Hei mean but Xhao Dr. Hei is right it be better we could go and tell him the great news right.
"I don't know I don't feel good about what Dr. Hei said ... D-did he know that Wei is ... No! That's not it... But I guess I need to go to Wei and ... (Touch her belly) this is a greatest gift I ever had in my life." Xhao thought.
Xhao went were Wei stay and she meet the old women who take care of Wei's man and him then she told Xhao that they went out for investigate some crime had been at the forest and told her they might not going home well I can tell Xhao that she's going to see him no matter what.
Xhao went out from the village a cart pass by his way too the forest let her in.
"Why would a lady in the house went out from the village?" The man asked.
"I'm going to see someone their." Xhao said.
"I see... (Children playing)... I'm really sorry Lady Xhao..." He said.
"*curious* why are you apologising sir?" Xhao asked.
"I apologize because how my children acted earlier ... Ahahaha... My wife, she died when she's giving birth to our fifth child and I was not their to support her I was captive from a storm but when I pass through it my children cried and I was too late." He said.
When I hear it I felt sorry for him and the same time I want to say something but this... This is not my body after all.
"I'm sorry... (Xhao...!) But also I'm happy..." Xhao said.
"Lady Xhao...?" The man said.
"I never told this to anyone I lost my both parents when I was a still a kid me and my brother took care by a friend of my father but his wife doesn't want us but uncle fight for us he save us from sorrow but he died as well as my brother I thought my world would fell down I even want to die but (touch her belly) now I want to live... Live with the man I love and this child I'm carrying... (Xhao look to the man) that is why please don't say sorry because you were still alive for your children you were a great father." Xhao said.
Xhao smile to the man and also I noticed the guy smile with tears in his eyes he was happy that someone like him deserve to feel happy being alive with his children, I'm happy too because I'm happy that Xhao and I same thoughts we arrive to the tent of soldiers saying goodbye to them and looking at then going away is something that made Xhao a bit happy, Xhao went to find Wei's tent.
"Lady Zhao?! (Xhao turn) what are you doing here?" Qwuan asked.
"*bow* lord Qwuan... Nice to see you again I was looking to General Wei and I also think I got lost." Xhao said.
"*giggled* ... I see I'll send someone with to went Gen. Wei's tent (calling someone) take her to gen. Wei's tent be respectful to general future wife understood (when the man should assists me heard this he was kind of shock but Xhao didn't feel that way she was a bit embarrass... Xhao...) I'm sorry Lady Xhao I couldn't take you to Gen. Wei because my hand are full of work to do." Qwuan said.
"*giggled* don't worry about that but thank you for take someone for me to him." I said.
The man name Ling take Xhao to Wei's tent but I think also that it was awkward situation but I guess he was a little bit shy or maybe because what just Qwuan said... But Xhao are you alright with this? We have arrive not to far from his tent.
"That big one his tent lady and would you like me to take you there?" Long asked.
"*smile* no I'll be alright beside you still have work right?" Chao asked.
"*nod* b-but it would be bad manners not to take you their lady and also I might get scold to lord Qwuan..." Ling said.
"Well I will tell him so don't worry I know Qwuan and I won't tell Wei about this... I mean Lord Wei ..." Xhao said.
Ling bowed at to Xhao with a smile and thanked Xhao as well and he went back, Xhao went to Wei's tent as she open the curtain a man with an armor, tall man with a scar on his face look at me I don't know he's not scarier than I thought even Xhao didn't get scared.
"Xhao...? What are you doing here?" Wei asked.
"General... You know this women?" He asked.
"Yes, Coronel Fang." Wei said.
"I see... Then I need to go now... Gen. Wei you do understand our agreement?" Coronel Fang said.
"Yes! Coronel Fang." Wei said.
The man named Fang went out but I noticed he has the same earring but the problem is the color on his earring is white.
"Wei that man...? (Suddenly pulled I inside) ow... What's wrong?" I asked.
That's right what just happened even I could felt the pain but I noticed he was angry.
"Wei...?" Xhao called his name.
"Why are you here?! Atleast send someone if you want to see me!" Wei said.
Xhao was a bit surprised and tears dripping in her face Xhao couldn't say anything as Wei went say something he stop because he noticed Xhao crying.
"I'm sorry... I just... I thought it would be better if I told about it but I guess it is a bad idea after all." Xhao said.
Xhao... We should go... It is better that way, even though Xhao is hurt she need to calm down a bit and then Wei would like tell something but ..
"General Wei, lord Qwuan told me give you this." He said.
"*sigh* come in." Wei said.
The man bought a two cups it was covered as he put it down in the table then he open it... This smells its tea..! Xhao...! Xhao smell it and she almost puke Xhao run out to throw up, Xhao did throw up then Wei followed her.
"Xhao... Do not tell me your... (I think Wei knew it already Xhao... Your worried? That I was thought and Xhao too but Wei suddenly carried her and took a horse he ride Zhao on it and Wei ride it too) I'll go back to the village and I'll be back understand... (As we went to go back Wei suddenly lean at Xhao's back) I'm happy... And I'm sorry you want to tell me about this wonderful news right...?... Thank you I'm happy really .. Thank you!" Wei said.

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