Me and Mysterious Assassin (Part 4)

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I heard someone again and it was like village people.
"Have you seen lady Xhao?"
"No... No one knows where is she..."
"Fai was worried to lady Xhao and have you heard that the Master of the house the one who trusted the imperial collector saw were had been abuse by punching him as many he don't know who did it and also it seems his drunk because he leak of alcohol now his at the mistress house."
As I heard this I felt that Xhao also happy but I felt someone breathing at his beating heart make us both calm... Eh! Who...
"*woke up* w-where?... (Xhao... Look around then someone reach Xhao and hug her and its Wei) why... How...! *remember* ah... I see I remember Wei... He save me... *notice* *stood up* i-im naked?! Ho-... Eh... W-we did it.. *stare* *touch his hair* now I get it... I fell in love to him... I love him... *smile*" Xhao thought.
As Xhao keep brushing his hair without notice that Wei has been woke up and because of that Xhao got surprised.
"Ahh... Uhm... I'm sorry..." Xhao said.
As she move away, Wei took it and pull her to his side and hug her again.
"*surprised* W-wei....?" Xhao called him.
"Just stay still... Thank you..." Wei said.
"(When Xhao heard saying thank you Xhao look at him) why are you thanking me..? I should be the one who thank you because if you didn't came I'll be... I'll be -..."
"That won't happened... *hug tight* I'm definitely gonna save you and take you away just like now... (Wei look into Xhao's eyes and I know their is a burning compassion and sudden kiss a passionate kiss) when I first met you that time my mission i thought it was success to assassinate the ex-general son but I was failed.."
"Because I saw you isn't it?" Xhao asked.
"Yes... And because of that it was also our pledge who ever saw us should be also assassinate." Wei said.
"Then... Why didn't you assassinate me then I was also know that when I see *touches side of his eyes* these fearful eyes I was stunt and I know this man be the one who could kill me any moment but you didn't and it makes me wonder why... Why didn't you kill me?" Xhao asked.
"Because... (He touch me the same where I touch his face) it was the same reason... This eyes the one stop me from doing it and as these eyes can see through me that time I couldn't stop thinking about you... This might be unlike me and I don't know what might be it if it lust or acceptance but I fallen in love with those eyes and this women that I hug right now." Wei said.
Without saying any word only tears that dripping side at my face Wei smile comfort me and Xhao even his eyes can show how he really love Xhao and I understand that without stopping the tears Wei kisses at the side of eye and it made me smile and Xhao after that Wei told me everything about his mission to avenge his village and his last companion but also even though they were 2 of them left they must still need to finished their mission I know Xhao's heart she would like to say that what if they knew, what if and what if but Xhao couldn't because she knew it was their job to do it Wei notice Xhao making a face again, he did kiss Xhao's forehead.
"Don't worry to much I'm the best assassin that you fall in love *smile*" Wei said.
"I know... But I can't stop worrying..." Xhao said.
"I know that but I can't help it even you told me that but still... I... It just I can't lost someone who dear to me ever again!" Xhao's thought.
Xhao... I know how you feel but if your going to make that face again Wei would be worried... That's right Wei told Xhao that they were been ranking in every earring they get blue, green, violet, black, white, and his red earring, this color has it own meaning blue the second rank the right hand of the first leader movement and speed he can handle, green the third rank and it was for female, seductive to get his pray and kill, violet 4rth rank night walker and also role to confirm every move to the one they need to kill, black or 5th ranker attitude to manipulate everyone or double face or trying to get close to the target, white, the phantom he can be anyone if he can do and the last the red first rank, Wei the leader of the group and he can do what others can manipulate and all except for female work as we both out from the hotel where Wei staying I walk to the bar back but he suddenly took Xhao's hand.
"*sigh* your making that face again." Wei said.
"W-what face..?" Xhao said.
Really Xhao you knew were suck at lying when it come to this and beside your pouting.
"*sigh* I get it... (Xhao and I got startle when he said get it) I promise you to this earring (it was same as his) after my mission finished I promised you I'll get you and marry you with this I do promise my eternal love (Xhao and I was stunt kiss the earring and touch our face) do you understand Xhao you and I are officially engaged." Wei said.
For some reason I was happy and content hearing those it made my day so special and Xhao also for some reason it came to me he propose to many people and the villagers saw Xhao and Wei I trying not too but I can't help it... The rumor spread so fast aunt never talk to Xhao after hearing those, as for Fai she was so happy... It was almost a month but the rumor keep on spreading and spreading and this is was most shocking to me and Xhao.
"Lady Xhao!! A-are you alright? Please let us go to see doctor Hei you've been puking every morning!" Fai said.
"*slumb* *sigh* I'm alright (too weak) this is not that bad maybe I'm not into breakfast... *notice* (Fai really don't look like that you make Xhao worried if you do that) *smile* really... I get it I'll go so please don't make that face Fai..." Xhao said.
After all the work Chao went to Doctor Hei for check-up and most of it people change their treatment to Xhao but children aren't they still want to play Chao so for some reason Xhao manage to befriend to the children, Xhao wonder why other children had different treat especially to that old man.
"Their it go again..." Child not said.
"Again...?" I asked.
"They were bullies... Or they were orphans... But they treat other people bad because they hate them especially us because we had parents." Child girl said.
"well I'm a orphan too they should not treat that old man bad." I said.
"Your not you had us and also lord Wei...!" The little girl said.
"*shock* *smile* *patted the girl head* yeah... I'm not because I have you guys... Well then why don't we play tomorrow and I'll just treat you something yummy." I said.
The children was so happy and buy some food at the store and also some sweets then they agree to make friend with them, Xhao went to them but the old man drop on the ground and hurt two child laugh at him and kick the old man the children who'she with Xhao got angry and went to those two but they did not hurt those two they just stop them so Xhao manage to went there helping the old man stand and Xhao asked the two bullies to come to them and had some other snacks the children who'she with Xhao smile and went to the store and help the old man take inside the two bullies stay stand.
"Don't you want to have a snack?" Xhao asked.
"I wan--"
"I told you don't talk I'm the leader so stop doing that." He said.
"Why don't you let him talk he has the right also *smile*" I said.
"No he had nothing because I.... We don't have family and we hate them!" He said.
You said that but your almost crying... Hehehehe.... I understand that well because I don't have that too but you can make a new one right... Xhao...!
"*smile* then why don't you guys think of me as your big sister then." I said.
Oh... They got surprised what just you said.
"Are you out of your mind why would we do that like you! Don't joke around you had a family and we don't need someone like you!" He said.
"Yeah... Someone like you!.... But (hmmm...?) Why would you said something like that! Were you being nice to us because were orphan?" He said.
"I told you shu--"
"That's not true because I do understand you... (I guess you got their attention now) because I too don't have the family you said. I've been orphan when I was 12 both of my parent got into accident my brother had been weak because he had some sickness that no one even the doctor couldn't help him and died he was only 15 that time and now I'm already 22 he should be 18 now." I said.
"*angry* your lying!" He said.
He was hard after all maybe because he think Xhao was lying.
"She's not..." He said.
"What... How can you said that! She's lying and i---"
"No she's not! Look her hands if she's lying she would not shaking like that (shaking... I don't know why did I was shaking) see so if you don't want to lost me just... ... I want to trust her because she understand us that much! I'm going with her!" He said.
As I look at the child almost in tears we both know it would be better if both of them would come Xhao stop him.
"I know you can't trust me but it would be better if you could give me a chance to prove both of you that I can also be part of your big family *smile*" I said.
The child that Xhao hold trying to convince him to say yes but later on he give up we both tried so luck to convince him but we couldn't.
"*sigh* I understand then will be going then.... I wish I could give you something --"
"I'll go!" He said.
Both of us and the child that I keep on holding we're happy so we went inside the shop two bullies now are friends to the other children Xhao and I was happy the bullies who bully an old man apologized what they did after an hour Xhao saying goodbye to those children and the two bullies apologized what happened earlier.
"I'm sorry... *teary*" he said.
As Xhao look at them Xhao knew that these two, they only need is attention and love Xhao kneel down and hug both of them.
"Don't apologized but (let go) promise me that both of you try to change the way you treat other people... Okay..." I said.
Both of them nod even they were still teary they force to smile at us and wave as we look at them going home a smile that shown to my face.
"Oh... I need to go to Dr. Hei I am late to see him." Xhao said to herself.
When Xhao turn the old man was their we we're surprised because we thought he left then suddenly he hold Xhao's hand.
"Your going to die...! Your going to die with that child your carrying!" He said.
He let Xhao go and run wildly but he keep on reapiting that Xhao's going to die I felt Xhao she's trembling and without her thought I know that she keep saying to herself that it is not true... Xhao... What if... If you really are pregnant? Then I noticed Xhao hand move put in her belly... Xhao...?
"I... I'm scared... Scared to know... If I am really.. Pregnant..." Xhao said.

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