fifteen - fuchsia

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The guy is unnerving, even standing next to Jericho.

I had always thought Jericho as intimidating with not only his tall and considerably fit physic, but with his hard features and cold eyes. Jericho's friend, however, is something else. His eyes aren't like Jericho- they don't give away anything. Jericho can be read like a book through his eyes, his feelings practically scream through them. The boy's eyes are unreadable. They don't give away anything about his thoughts or emotions. They're just pools of a dark, dark green, almost a hunter green. He's also almost half a head taller than Jericho, which means I probably only come up to his chin- he towers over me. His muscles make the veins in his arms appear as if they're fighting to break through his layer of tanned skin.

His smile is cocky and smug. Jericho looks between us, confusion showing in his eyes. "Arsenio?" Jericho questions. "What are you doing?"

His voice is deep and loud, "Oh, I was just saying hi to your soulmate." His tone comes out as deadly calm and innocent. "Is there something wrong with that, Jer?"

Jericho grips the top of the car door, leaning against it as his eyes dart between his friend- Arsenio, strange name, but it fits him in a way- and I. Jericho looks utterly lost, licking his lips as he slowly says, "I guess not."

Arsenio breaks into a big smile, turning to Jericho, "Great! Why don't you get in, I'll be there in a second."

"What're you doing to do?"

Rolling his eyes, Arsenio shoots Jericho another smile. "Don't worry so much, friend. You'll get grey hair. I just want to have a small conversation with her." He turns his dazzling smile to me. "Natalie, isn't it?"

I nod slowly. I have to admit- Arsenio is beautiful, but in a different way than Jericho. Arsenio has that Hollywood look. With that blinding smile, brown short hair he obviously spends a lot of time on and body, he could make any girl drool over him. His eyes just don't match his smile- when he grins, his eyes remain emotionless. Jericho is just naturally attractive. His sharp cheekbones and jaw line combined with the emotion of his amber eyes creates a balance that is admirable. His dark hair is always up in what I'm starting to think is a natural quiff, considering I doubt Jericho would take the time to style his hair. Maybe it's just from constantly pushing his hair up, a habit I notice he does often.

Arsenio's grin widens at my reply, walking around the car to where Jericho and I are. "See?" Arsenio tells Jericho. "Just talking."

Although he doesn't look too happy about it, Jericho lowers himself into the passenger seat of the car. Arsenio's smile turns more into a smug smirk when he realizes that he's won. Once Jericho's door is closed, Arsenio is almost instantly right in front of me, the smile on his face completely gone. It's replaced with a sneer so scary it sends shivers down my spine. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he spits.

I narrow my eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Jericho is a rebel. He doesn't believe in love. Didn't that stick in your head the day he rejected you? Stay away from him willingly or I'll make you."

I raise an eyebrow. How does this guy have the audacity to just come up to me and threaten me like that? "I'll do what I want, thanks," I spit back.

Arsenio laughs humourlessly. "Feisty, aren't you? And stupid too. You think Jericho gives two shits about you? He doesn't care about soulmates and never has- you can ask all the girls he's been with before you."

The reminder hurts, I have to admit, but I don't let it show. Instead, I cock when unimpressed eyebrow. "That's nice. Why are you wasting your time with this?"

"You dropped off Jericho yesterday," Arsenio whispers angrily. "You're with him now. I don't like that. I think... he's starting to get messed up, actually believing in whatever shit you're feeding into his head."

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