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Ryou POV

I walked in my room after a long school day thinking about how I had fell for my Yami. Even though he's better than what everyone thinks he's still not what I originally pictured for myself when I picturing who I would fall for. I saw him sitting down looking at TV while I made him steak, corn, and mash potatoes. I quickly made me a salad with chicken on the side and ate that at the table before giving him his food after grabbing a beer for him. I got a grunt in response I ran to my room closed the door and turned on the radio. I listened until the music for fool in love started and I sung a long

Mama, I found a man
Who loves me and understands
Papa, he's quite a man
He adores me, he's my biggest fan
And don't get me wrong,
I know he's not perfect in your eyes
But somehow he's flawless in mine

And you may tell me to run, run now
But I can't do that
We're too far down the hole
He's got a hold on my soul

So I guess I'm a fool
I'm a fool in love
But I'm willing to stay here
And bask in the glory of his heart
I guess I'm a fool in love
But I'm willing to look so stupid
Till I've had enough
Mama, don't judge me now
I'm not trying to hurt you
I know this won't make you proud
Papa, did I let you down?
Are you ashamed of how your little boy turned out?

You'll see a monster

Bakura POV

I heard Ryou sing along to his song it made me think about everything he said to or did for me over the past two months he fell for me. I guess that I could tell him I feel the same or I could show him. I knocked on his door, and noticed that he was sitting in his desk chair brushing his hair. "Bakura, what do you need or did I not do something to your expectations?"

"Ryou, I desire nothing more than your company tonight. Do you want to watch a movie with me?"

Ryou POV

I thought over for bit and decided to accept seeing as this is most likely a once in a life time chance. "Sure, Bakura."

We walked to living room where I grabbed a pillow and a extra comforter form the hall closet. "Do you want to watch The Nightmare on Elm Street or Saw?" Bakura asked me, but I decided to not tell him that I've seen both movie series completely hey when you got someone like Bakura to ask your opinion you don't squander the opportunity.
"Let's watch Nightmare on Elm St. I love the series and the fact that I haven't seen the series in a year it should be good."

"That's aw good as reason as any." Bakura said before he put in the movie and I watched it until about half way through when I started to fall asleep.

Bakura POV

I grabbed Ryou and laid him on my chest while he slept then I started to fall asleep hearing his soft snores.

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