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Dear Mutt,

I really don't hate you, but I don't understand why you don't get my affection for you I try and point it out, but you don't seem to get what I'm saying. Yes I'm a bastard, but only because I know that if I have you and Mokuba I'll be better. Yes I know that sometimes my insults get too personal, but I'm also trying my hardest to protect both of us because I love you. I know that you and the friendship gang call me the ice prince, I'm only trying to protect everything I hold dear. I know that you won't believe that I love you, but I know that if you gave your attention to some else I would say something, so that you would acknowledge me somehow. I would love for you to be my puppy but that ship has most likely sailed.

Yours Sincerely,
Seto Kaiba

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