4 am- bronzeshipping and tornshipping

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Marik POV

   I never knew that this would happen after I changed so much for Malik. I stopped from acting insane as to not embarrass him in public and now I hear this: "Yeah baby, I would move for you to meet me at the club same time as normal."

  I thought that us being boyfriends would stop Malik from disappearing all the time. I almost want to go insane again, but then where would I go and who would love me. I go to our bedroom and lay in the bed on his side breathing in his sweet but tangy scent. I felt calm and when I saw him I acted like it was completely normal and kissed his lips softly. "I love you, baby." I saw him smile and he wrapped his arms around me, but he didn't respond.

A week later, I go through the same thing though now I know that he is with Bakura and Ryou. He doesn't even care that we're dating and this is tearing me apart because now he's gone and it's 4 am. I look at his instagram feed knowing that he would just cover up when it's from if I ask him, but he also knows that I'm more active on it snap chat. I stare at him showing off his outfit and sipping his drinks trying to look classy, and succeeding though he has hurt me far worse than anyone else.

I watched him look at someone else like they're  his world when I should be. I guess that I deserve it because I have done him and everyone he ever known so much damage. I decide to go a bit insane and go to the club after texting one of my friends that he doesn't know if they want to help me get some revenge. I look at what I'm wearing and see that I look an even bigger mess than I did at college when I tried drugs for the first time because I thought that it would make me calmer than trying to actually change.

I change into a tight pair of jeans,  that he said made me look so firm, and a nice fitted shirt that both of us love with some Jordans which we agreed made me look both sexy but laid back. I then actually combed my hair into a semi neat hair style sorta a mix between both of our hairstyles. I walked to the club. I arrived and held hands with my friend and watched all three of them dance together. I couldn't even figure out why he looked at me and smiled before going on with his cheating partners.

I walk calmly over to him and say, "I loved you, but it seems like you don't care anymore. I'll pack my bags and leave because I don't want to hurt anyone else though you are supposed to be the light side of our soul."

I looked at him before he nodded and said, "I didn't want to hurt you, but I stopped loving you maybe 5 months ago. I didn't want to cheat on you, but at the time it seemed like better option. I'm sure for someone else you'd be perfect, but just not for me."

I couldn't believe what he said, but I just walked outside the club and went and sat down on the bench outside as I thought about everything he said. I didn't know that finding out that someone was cheating on you would literally hurt  more than seeing them kiss someone else. I went to our bedroom and packed up everything including some pictures that have my favorite memories of us. I looked at the room and saw how different it looked with just his stuff in it. It looked more like a room in a magazine verus a real bedroom that someone actually sleeps in. I looked at his sweat shirt that was originally mine, but he wore it so often we both called it his. I left it on his bed before I left walking to the game shop where hopefully I could work.

  Two months later

"Hey Marik, what's going on?" Yugi said. I'm glad he actually views me as my own person and not just a shadow.

"I'm fine, just sorta trying to figure what's next you know?" I said after thinking about everything I just went through with Malik and my ex best friend, Bakura. Then again Bakura has most likely been interested in Malik for a long time, so I'm sure they're happy.

"Yeah, I do. If you have anything you wanna talk about you can talk to me?" He said walking back to the cashier.

"Alright Yugi, will do." I said continuing to put up the heavier boxes of games.

"Hey Marik, I know you probably don't want to have anything to do with me, but can we talk?" I turned around to see Malik he has grown his hair out a little more and seems to have gained a slight larger muscle mass though still very thin.

"Sure, Yugi I'm taking my break now." I said as I grabbed my jacket and look at him as I started to walk to the cafe a block away. "You coming, because I'm not about to have any agruements."

"Yeah, you just surprised me with agreeing to come with me so easily." He walked next to me biting his cheek which means he's nervous about something.

"So how's the relationship going since it's three way and you have never been good about not having your partner's attention anywhere but on you?" I asked because I'm partly confused about why he chose to be in a three way relationship verus a regular one.

"I left because it wasn't for me mainly because I kept feeling like I was missing something and I was. I know that you most likely don't want me back not that I blame you, but I do like you a lot. I also miss your love and hugs and everything that came in our relationship." I saw that he actually mean that.

"I miss you too, but I don't know abut trusting you because you cheated on me. I guess we should just be friends for now."

"Alright I'm fine with that." Malik said and again it was truthful. We walked into the cafe and talked until my break was over and it was once again 4 am when we finished.

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