Meaningless Agruements- Tender

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Bakura POV

I smirked laying kisses on Ryou's neck. "Bakura please stop I'm attempting to do my homework for school."

"But, why you seem to be enjoying this?"

"I'm trying to finish this, so that I can write a report so that I win this contest, so we can spend holiday together in a setting where we can do whatever without having to clean it up and you can steal to your hearts content." He said very quickly, but I continued to kiss him to tempt him to the evils of our relationship with me over him and his face turned red and sweaty while he moans my name in a chant. I ignore this until he pushes me off of him.

"Since Kura wants to be bad and not listen to me. I must punish you, now come on or it'll be must worse." He said while dragging me to our pleasurement room where he locked me up in some handcuffs and started to take a whip out.

"Now Kura, you can either tell me why you won't let me finish my homework or you can get whipped."

"Well I don't care about a contest that we may or may not win when our relationship doesn't get the attention it deserves."

"What are you talking about?"

"When was the last date we went on? When had we last spent time one on one with out having sex just the two of us talking about what's new in our lives or dreams we've had? When the last time that we have even fooled your classmates into thinking that you had esp when we are trying to get a quick laugh? If I have to resort to sex to spend time with my boyfriend that's quick to do things for others before himself or just can't fathom being selfish in public then I will be cause he's the best part of me!"

"Kura why didn't you just say that instead of causing this meaningless agruement because I will always love you and show you the parts of me that no one else will ever see."

"I love you too and how we seem to get closer with meaningless agruements."

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