Only Us Tendershipping

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Yugi POV

"Ryou, why are you always ignoring us? You know that Bakura is poisonous to you like how Marik was to Malick(1)."

"Yugi, of course he is I don't know what I was thinking. That's what you expect me to say, but are you with me at every moment to say that he's as terrible as he use to be. Yugi, how are you the one person who forgave multiple people who tried to kill you being such a hypocritical friend saying that I can't forgive someone who was in pain of he's whole life and innocence being taking from him by an evil prick?"

"Ryou, while you're right on that we both know that he's hurt more families that a little and that he'll hurt you? While I'm not there do you think that it doesn't concern me when you come to school looking like you haven't sleep for weeks or that you don't get enough food on your deit."

"Yugi I'm your friend first and your mirror second you know that if the tables were reversed you would run to Yami and try to be with him ignoring every terrible thing he did no matter how insane it was."

Ryou POV
"I guess you're right again."he said walking away luckily it was after school so that both of us can calm done, but I still can't believe that they don't understand how Malick and Marik feel or Bakura and me when it comes to how much shit we have been through in our lives. All four of us have lost someone we were close to, and in Battle City they literally tore Malick in half because he didn't have his darker emotions anymore those to are literally two halves of the same whole while Bakura and me are it figuratively because we both handled our situations wrong, but also the millenniums of differences gives differences to how we would cope. I brode on that until I got home.

"Little light, what's wrong."

"Bakura sometimes I just wish that my friends would understand our relationship and that you wouldn't hurt me even if the world depended(2) on it."

"Ryou, so do I but we both know that they will never understand us because they don't know about us."

"I guess it's always going to be us against the world because it's always us when push comes to shove."

"I'm glad because either you trying something new because everything is always getting better."

"Thank goodness because if everything started to go wrong I may just go to Egypt and love with my dad telling him that I need a change of pace and then you know that the Yugi-tachi would want to ask you what's going on."

"Its always just going to be me and my insane, meat loving, blood drinking, always stealing Yami."

"Yes it's always going to us my occult loving, mildly depressed, semi innocent, overly polite Hikari."

"Forever it's only us and a new battle to prove our love." Bakura said leaning down and capturing my lips in a sweet, chaste kiss.

"Only us and our deceiving looks."

"Um Hikari did you forget to take your meds this morning."

"No, because Yugi and his pathetic team aren't dead for insulting our relationship."

"Good because your dad invited us to England to meet your grandmother and grandfather before he has to go on another dig and we get to stay in the family home."

"Lovely why don't we do something that only we can do."

"I wish you asked earlier but alright because again it's always only us who know what the other feeling, thinking, and wanting and that is what I love about our relationship we never hurt the other one by being insensitive."

"Cmon my dear Yami I'm waiting, but yes that is amazingly wonderful."

"I'm coming sonic(3) now you better be ready by the time I'm up there."

Hey its sennen princess and thank you wonderful people for reading my one shot and also here's the reason I did the numbered items.

1 refers to the classic Marik(Yami) is bad for the Malick thing that Ishizu believes which I think is bad because they're the same person LITRRALLY so that makes me angry.

2 refers to obviously in Yugioh there's always something threatening Yugi or someone he associates with that isn't super powerful in the world. Also I said that because Yami Bakura has the strongest willpower of the show taking his chapters in the Manga that further Devolpe his character, but in the show we don't see this which is why I added this.

3 references Sonic Underground where he always says to his his siblings 'I'm waiting' so I just added that to make sonic fans laugh.

Again thanks for the reads

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