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Ryou POV

Where am I? Is this a dream? A bearen  land where I can't see further than maybe 10 feet in front of me. Nothing but desert or dirt or some type of rock. I notice something in the distance that looks similar to me in shape but more masculine in build. Next I watch myself disappear and next thing I know I'm in the throne room confessing my sins. I look down and see my family of sorts all greiving in their own ways. Why is this what happens? I stare at Bakura only to see him acting not like himself but someone else. All I notice is that as I watch him the room starts to change and then I see a final note on the floor.

"Why are you here?"

"I couldn't fake being alright anymore."

"Why the hell couldn't you have let yourself live the next few centutries?"

"The pain was too much and I missed the one I loved."

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