Drag Me Down (4/4)

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*Not Mine* Creds to owner*

Harry: "Explain your love for [Y/N] in the most dramatic way you can," a friend dared harry, when you were up way too late playing games that you had not played since your teen years. Harry looked at your face, with it's tent of red lighting up your cheeks, and thought over his words. How could he ever truly explain how much he loved you, and what you meant to him? "Okay, um... I got a river for a soul, and baby you're a boat. Baby you're my only reason. Nobody can drag me down, because of you." A few friends laughed, "What does that even mean?" "It means only [Y/N] is the boat that knows how to make it through the river. She's the only one that gets to my soul. She's the only reason I feel so confident, because I know she's always on my side." The red on your cheeks grew, as your friends laughed a little more, "Yeah, Harry wins. That's dramatic enough." "And he means every word," another friend stated, with a sigh. This time you spoke up, as you grabbed your boyfriend's hand tightly, "I know." 





Louis: Whispers from many friends led you to believe Louis was going to propose soon. Over and over again you heard that he had purchased a gorgeous ring, and would giving it to you on your next day. You prepared yourself for it, and every single date that passed by without a ring left you feeling disappointed. You finally stopped hoping for it. Maybe the rumors you heard were false, is what you told yourself. So when Louis got down on one knee, only a week after you gave up, you were truly shocked. "I love you [Y/N], and I can't picture my life without you. If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left. I'd just be the shell of a man who never be his best. If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun. You taught me how to be someone. Will you marry me?" Tears poured down your face, and you could not even verbally respond to his question. You were a mess. You just nodded your head, as he slip the ring on your finger. This moment could have been no better.




Liam: There was not a single time in his life that Liam could think back to, when you were not there for him. No matter how bad things got, you were there by his side. From friendship as kids to the relationship you now had, you never left. It took him a long time to realize that, but he did now. And as you laid watching a movie together, snuggled in bed, he wanted to make sure you knew how appreciative he was of that. "You know, all my life, you stood by me. When no one else was ever behind me, you were. I don't think I even realized how much you were helping me, but now I do." "Where's this coming from?" you asked, feeling like his statement was very out of the blue. And it was, but it had been on his mind so much lately. He was not dealing with as much hate as he once had, so he could finally step back and see how much you were there for him. "I've just been thinking about it a lot lately, and I want you to know how much it means to me. Thank you for always being there, and I promise to always be there for you as well."






Niall: With millions of fans always wanting a photo, a performance almost every night, and albums selling millions, the glitz and glam of fame was so bright. Niall could have had it all, but with it all, also came negativity. For every amazing day, came ten horrible ones. You don't get fans, without people also wanting to tear you down. With the glitz and glam, came the flashing cameras from the paparazzi, hoping to get that one picture to destroy a career. It could have been overwhelming, and Niall easily could have let it all get to him, but he did not. He didn't let it get to him, because of you. because of your words of encouragement. You kept him on the ground, and made sure he remembered why he was doing this, and how much the fans and boys meant to him. You made sure he always kept his mind on the important parts, and not the ones that would bring him down. He stayed so positive, all because of you. "I feel like I owe you so much. I probably would have stepped away a long time ago, but you've always been there to help me see clearly. All these lights, they can't blind me. With you love, nobody can drag me down."

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