You Fall Asleep On Him

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  Niall: A long day of shopping with your brother exhausted you. From early in the morning, until minutes from closing time, you had been at the mall walking around, and it made you so tired. This morning, when he'd said he needed a few new things for tour, you were so excited to go along with him to pick those things out. Now though, you just wanted to sleep. So as you sat on a bench, while he talked on the phone to a friend, you rested your head on him. It was not your intention to actually fall asleep. You just wanted to rest your eyes. Just a moment to relax, that's all you wanted. You did pass out though, not even a minute after laying down. "[Y/N]," Niall said, laughing, after hanging up his phone, "Get up." You moved slightly, but stayed asleep, too tired to wake. With another laugh, Niall glanced down at his phone, "The mall closes in ten minutes. You have to get up sooner or later." Again, you moved, but did not wake. "Okay, fine," he replied, slowly standing up as he did, and picking you up as he did. You were not quite the little girl he use to carry around everywhere, but you were still little enough that this was not hard for him, "I'm sorry I kept you here all day. We'll be home soon, and then you can go right to bed, and really sleep."





Louis: Louis had somewhere else to be, after spending the day with you and your family out shopping for what seemed like everything. It was supposed to be a day spent with family, and then a night with friends. However, only twenty minutes before he was set to leave, you laid down across the couch he was sitting on, your head resting on his lap. He thought you were just resting, and didn't care, but quickly realized you'd fallen asleep. "[Y/N], wake up," he gently said, shaking you ever so slightly. You did not move though, and stayed sound asleep. "Come on, I have to go," he sighed, continuing to shake your shoulder, "[Y/N], wake up." Just then, your mother stepped into the room, and smiled. She knew how badly you had missed your big brother, and loved spending every second you could with him, even if that was while you were sleeping. "She's missed you so much. She's so happy you're here." "I missed her too," Louis replied, sighing as he realized he was not going anywhere. He would not just push you off of him, and it did not look like you were about to wake up anytime soon. "Can you grab my phone? I'm going to text them, and say I'll be there a little late."




Liam: "She's so tired," your father said, as he saw that were you passed out across Liam's lap, who was currently sitting on the couch. You had only just gotten home a half hour ago, after a long day of traveling from one city to another. The past week had been spent vacationing at the beach, and for an 8 year old, all that added up to exhaustion. The sun itself made you tired, and the long trip home was exactly what you needed to help you fall asleep. "She passed out about twenty minutes ago," Liam said quietly, careful not to wake you. There was no use in it now. You were tired, and he was just sitting there anyway. He had bags to unpack, but that could wait until tomorrow, or another day. For now, he was just going to sit there, possibly fall asleep himself, until you woke up. "You could just carry her to her room, and go unpack or do whatever you want." Liam shook his head at that comment from Nicola, "No, it's fine," Liam replied, as he grabbed the remote to turn the TV on, "She'll wake up sooner or later, and go up to bed. For now, I'll just wait, it's fine. I don't want to wake her up. I can watch TV, it's fine. Let her sleep."





Harry: "She's old enough to walk by herself, isn't she?" Zayn asked Harry, after noticing he was now carrying you. Harry shook his head, and turned so he could see that your eyes were shut tight. Only minutes ago you'd been walking behind him, your eyes closing every few moments, slowly him down by walking so sleepily. "She was so tired, so I just picked her up, and she passed out in a minute." "You made her so tired dragging her with you today. Like an eight year old wants to come to meetings about albums and tours." Harry laughed at Zayn's comment. Most eight year olds would not enjoy today. You were not most eight year olds though. "[Y/N] did want to come today though. I didn't force her or anything. She begged me to let her. I wasn't sure I should, but i barely get to see her." "We understand," Zayn nodded, "We barely get to see our families, so I understand why you wanted her here. She's so tired and bored though, I bet she won't come back next time." Harry shook his head, "As tired as she is, she'll be back next time. Even if she sleeps the entire time, if she can spend the day with me, she will." Zayn thought about how close you were to Harry, and how you never wanted to leave his side, and laughed, "True. She'll just come again, and sleep the entire time."





Zayn: "Don't fall asleep, please. We have to leave soon," Zayn warned you, as you laid down across him. "I won't," you replied, yawning as you did. He knew better than to believe that. Your yawn itself told him that you were tired, and would easily pass out. He however, did let you lay there, and ten minutes later, you were asleep. Just as it was time to go. "Come on [Y/N]." You stayed asleep, as he tried to wake you. "Great," he sighed, trying to slowly stand up, but you clung to him, refusing to let go. "I don't think you're totally asleep," Zayn told you, watching for some sort of response, but he got nothing. "Okay, stay asleep. We won't be able to go meet the others though. Everyone was so excited to see you. They really miss you." For a few moments longer, there was no response, and then as if his words only hit your ears then, you sat up, "They all miss me?!" "Of course they do," Zayn smiled, laughing as he did, "You were never asleep, were you?" "Well, I was tired." You looked down embarrassed. "I just didn't want to go. But if they miss me, we can go." There was a lot Zayn could have said then, but instead he just laughed again, "Okay, let's go."

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