You're Pregnant and He Leaves You (Pt.3)

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Harry: The nervousness you felt by the time Harry sat down on your couch, was something you had never felt before. Not even giving birth had you felt this nervous. What was he doing here? "Are you my mom's friend?" Your daughter's voice brought you out of your thoughts, and you saw the pain that crossed Harry's face at that question. "I was," he replied, while looking at your daughter sadly. "Why don't you go in your room, and let me talk to Harry alone," you said softly, wanting to say so much, but unable to with her there. Once she ran off, you began speaking right away. "Why are you here? Is it just to see that we're okay? We are. 7 years later, and you just show up?" Harry was scared to replied to you. Scared because he knew he'd messed up in a way he could never make up for. "It's been 7 years, and I know that's too long.... I missed you though, and I want to know her. I don't know what to say other than sorry a million times. I hope you can forgive me." You wanted to right away, but knew it was right to give it time. "Show me you mean this, and then I'll believe you." "I will," Harry assured you, happy with your reply, "I do mean this."





Niall: Asking for Niall's number, and actually calling him were two different things. What if he didn't miss you? What if he didn't talk about you and his regret? What if your friend was just lying? Those thoughts all scared you completely, but you somehow dialed those numbers despite all your fears. The worst he could do was say he didn't feel that way, and your life would not change at all. You'd still be a single mom to your son, and things would still be okay. "Hello? Who's this?" Hearing his voice, you had tears in your eyes instantly. You still loved him completely, and this was scary. "It's-it's um..." You hesitated, and he finished for you, "[Y/N]! What's wrong?! Is something wrong with him?!" "No, he's fine," you said with a shaking voice, "I was told... Never mind, this is stupid."  Just as you were about to hang up, Niall stopped you. "No, please, don't hang up. I'm glad you called. I didn't want to bother you, but I've wanted to call you for a long time."





Zayn: Zayn was busy the next day, but dropped all of those plans when he knew you were willing to see him. Nothing was more important to him than winning back the woman he loved, and his little girl. Sitting across from you, less than 24 hours after your phone call, he was nervous though, and unable to speak. You had no issues with that though. Over night you had enough time for your anger to build back up. All those years of anger were now pouring out of you. "You left me! You knew I was pregnant, and left me! How can you decide to show back up now?! Do you think it makes it okay?! Do you think it erases the years I was alone?! She's five Zayn. Five!" "I'm sorry. I was stupid." "You were, and now you think sorry will make up for it?!" He shook his head, "No. I know I can't make up for it. I can't make up for not being there. But I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me, and I hope you'll let me meet her. Even if you can't forgive me, I want to meet her, and be in her life." Your anger could have continued, and you could have said no, but for your daughter you sighed, "I'm sure she'd be so excited to meet you. She asks me about her dad all the time."





Liam: "You won't change your mind again, will you?" you asked, hesitant to let Liam back in completely. The moment he met your daughter he could never change his mind. You wouldn't let him. Hurting you was one thing, hurting her was another story. "You can't leave once you're her dad. Once she knows that you are her dad I mean. You can't leave once she knows and loves you. Don't you dare hurt her the way you hurt me." Liam understood your concern, and wouldn't have expected any other reaction. "I promise I won't hurt her, or you again. I know my word means nothing, but I promise. I want to be in her life, and I want to win you back. You said it's not too late, but do you really mean that?" You just stared at him for a while, still worried how this would go. "[Y/N], please let me know." "It's not too late," you repeated your statement from earlier, "I can't say I don't still love you, but I'm scared. I don't want her to end up hurt. I have to protect her. I'm going to trust you. Please don't make me regret this."





Louis: Louis could not stop staring at his son, as he held him in his arms for the first time. He was only a few months old, but already Louis felt like he'd missed so much. "He's so big already. I can't believe I wasn't here." Your first reaction was to snap something back at him, but you were able to stop yourself. Now wasn't the time to argue over what he'd done. You wanted to forgive him, and that would take talking over everything, but for now it was about your son. "He's never going to remember that," you finally replied, nowhere close to what you originally wanted to say. Louis smiled softly, but when he looked up at you, that smile faded, "He won't, but I'm sorry you will. I'm sorry [Y/N]." "Let's not talk about that now. You're here for him, and you promised you won't leave again. Your son has you in his life. We can talk about how I feel later. It's not important." Louis disagreed with that, "It is important. I know we still have a lot to deal with, and you're hurt." You nodded, "Of course I'm hurt, but you're here now. We have to deal with our issues. I know that. But for now I'm just glad you're here for him."

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