Holding hands

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This will be the last one until I can make or find more :)

-Twixx ;)


Niall:He's really shy at first, but you don't know why. The two of you are standing so close, yet he's a way too scared to make a smallest move. But when he realizes that it's all he wants to do, you can feel the warmth of his fingers at the back of your own, lightly touching soft skin and carefully waiting for your reaction. By lightly parting your fingers, you hoped that he'll take it as a yes. Using his newly earned confidence, presses palm to your, shaky fingers carefully intertwining with yours and happy smile instantly finding its way to his lips.

Zayn:Zayn would start off my encircling his hand around your elbow slowly gliding it down your forearm, but stopping at your wrist holding it for a moment, just feeling slow thumbs of your pulse on his skin. He would continue his movement by firmly pressing his palm to your, warm fingers carefully parting your ones before he gently settled his hand down.

Louis: He would grab your hand every single time you're standing really close to him. A pair of sparkling eyes would remind you of stars in night sky as his gaze glides down your arm, but locks on your hand a moment after. With a smirk splayed over his lips, he'd slowly part your fingers using his own, warm ones, smooth palm firmly pressing to your. And the only thing he could think of was how his hand felt empty without your just like his heart did before he gave it to you.

Liam:Pressing the very ends of his fingers to your palm, he would use his thumb to gently draw small circles at the back of your hand just enjoying the softness of your skin. You can feel his fingers lightly parting, his forearm crashing to yours as his hand changes direction, tips of long fingers now turned towards the ground. The feeling of lovely warmth is new, odd to your palm; completely different from cold air as he presses his palm to yours, long fingers now entwined with yours.

Harry:Growing up with a mother and older sister, he was raised to be a protector of some kind and. Wanted it or not, it was obvious in every single movement he made; no matter is it big one or small and simple as holding hand is. He would entwine his fingers with yours as soon as he sees you shaking; no matter is it fear or just a feeling of cold wind hitting your face. He also loved the feeling of your hand in his; how small it was comparing to his and how soft it is. But thing he loved the most is that you were finally his, giving you all you had just in the way you managed to give him your hand letting him guide you through the life.

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