8: Robin? Oh hell no.

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After a short discussion with Jason Todd and her brother Dick Grayson, they soon lured her out, and back into the training room.

She had donned a shirt, mostly to hide the horrific scars tracing smoothly across her back and shoulders, and partially because she was above flaunting herself to gain a foothold in a mans eye. She stepped foreword to Bruce, and apologized, before standing in front of the broken nosed Stephanie, and bowing.

It was a sweeping now that young assassins were taught, though she denied the flourish of her right hand, which would signify respect.

"Forgive me, I allowed my temper to best my mind, although I know my words cannot heal your nose." Baring her face to the girl, she said "A blow for a blow."

The blonde regarded her for a moment, then smirked. Her fist came at Ashley's face, and slammed into her nose with a thud. The dark girl did not flinch, in fact; she smiled, and wiped away the stream of blood pulsing from her right nostril.

She turned, and took her place beside her brother, who in turn, stood by the young Damian Wayne.

The little brat sneered, and broke the silence by saying "You honor the traditions well, like the lowly assassin you are." Ashley did not say anything, instead, said. "Let's get this party started."

Grabbing a staff, she leapt right for Jason, her teeth bared in a savage grin.


After that day, her time in the Wayne manor was spent training, nursing the rare bruise, and eating atrocious amount of food.

It was on one such day, that she had again rose before the sun, and began her series of complex stretches to improve flexibility, when Bruce Wayne entered the training room.

"May I join you?" He had a curious look on his face, and was eyeing her incredulously as looked at him from her handstand position.

"Of course, it's your home after all."

He grunted in response, and for a while they stretched, and Ash occasionally fixed the placement of his hands or the bend of a limb.

As she stood, her routine being completed, she faced him, and bowed, a wolfish grin on her face.

"I have a proposition for you," Bruce said, and motioned for her to join him by the weight set, he continued, "I want you to join me on patrols."

Ashley was speechless for a moment, then she grinned

"As who? There are two robins and batgirl is out of the question."

Bruce smiled softly, and said "Which is why I had this made for you."

Alfred waltzed in, sweeping a scarp of black and blue fabric in on his arms. Holding it up, Alfred handed it to Ash, who had rushed foreword, her blue eyes wide.

"My god.." The girl examined the fabric, which was leathery, and flexible, similar to the fabric that her assassin clothes were made of.

"Can I try it on?" She asked, run in the fabric between her hands in admiration of its make. At Bruce's nod, she jogged out, pulling the suit on once she reached the confines of her room. It fit beautifully, the sides of the costume were the deep blue of her brother's suit.

She grinned, spinning slowly, before walking back to the room, and yanking the cloak on, before padding barefoot towards the training room again.

Walking in with a flourish, she grinned at the two men, who were now accompanied by Dick, saying "I think I'll call myself Shadow."

"Well then Shadow, training starts now."

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