He Just Wants To Relax

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A Few Months Earlier, Ratchet's POV

I'd woken up in the middle of the night, as humans would call it. It's was around 2AM and I was surprised and slightly disturbed to see- or rather not see- the berth next to me empty. I blinked hard, still looking for the petite figure of Summer, who every night would fall asleep in the berth next to me, insisting on curling her fingers through mine until one of us fell asleep. I shifted until I was on my back, staring up at the dark metal that seemed to glow with inky blackness. I decided to just wait until she got back, which shouldn't have been long, she was probably taking some time outside, not used to Earth's day and night cycles. Honestly, it took me awhile to adapt to the short cycles and I couldn't blame her, being in stasis for a few centuries would definitely mess up my system and recharge schedule. I stayed in this position for awhile, almost until I woke up fully, which was nearly twenty minutes. I could feel this strange emotional pressure on my chest, it made me worry that Summer was gone for such a long time. I got up, staring at the berth in front of me. It was clearly empty, and upon touch, cold as if no one had ever laid on it. I was alert now, the feeling on my chest was definitely heavier, as if it was- dread. I was filled with worry and dread, like something bad was happening or had happened to her. My paranoia that came from the ship we were inhabiting didn't help either. I wandered out of the laboratory that I called my room, heading down a short hallway before coming into the main room. After a bit more walking and turns, I appeared outside. It was definitely bright out, due to a phenomenon called a 'full moon'. This puzzled me, Earth's moon was always full, some of it was covered with a shadow, only showing part of the moon most of the time. I stared at the glowing orb for a few moments, it wasn't strange seeing a rock floating more than a few miles up into Earth's atmosphere. Cybertron had a few of its own, so I was familiar with the gravitational pull a planet had on a smaller rock. I looked away from the moon in the sky, having no trouble at all finding my way through the lightened darkness. I went around one side of the Harbinger, but because half was embedded into a cliff, I had to turn back around and go the other way to get to where Summer could have possibly gone. I was picking my way through the rocks and small pieces of debris when I heard the voice I was looking for, it was barely audible, and I couldn't understand what she was saying but it was clearly Summer. I crept closer, she didn't seem to be with anyone else because I couldn't hear another voice, but she was definitely talking to someone else, possibly through her comm link. I was about to clear a corner when I saw her, she was standing in the darkest patch that I could see from where I was, hidden from the moonlight that washed over every surface. Her back was turned to me, but her body language said that she was in a disagreement with whoever it was she was speaking to. I couldn't make out what she was saying quite yet, so I inched closer to the corner that had me, straining to hear what she was saying at least. It was faint, but what my audio receptors picked up just about made my spark stop dead in my chest.
::Megatron, he won't find out, we both know he's too attached to the old Summer, and if he does, we won't have to worry, he would never tell because he wouldn't believe his ears- sorry, audio receptors::
I blinked several times, shaking my helm a bit, I was tired, my mind was playing tricks on me. I peeked around the corner, wondering if she was just sleep walking and talking. I moved out of the spot I was in just enough to see her figure and if I could've puked or died I would have with what my optics made contact with. She was clearly awake and she'd turned a bit, facing a little more in my direction, but not quite towards me so she could see me. I stared at her open optics, disbelief rolling through my system in huge waves. They were red. And by red I mean like human blood red, yet still darker and more menacing. Surprisingly enough, what I felt hit me hard enough to make me lose my balance and fall backwards, where I tripped on some rocks and collided with the ground. Summers voice stopped immediately, she was now aware of someone that was clearly approaching or already there. My spark skipped a few beats and I immediately came up with something to hide what I was really doing. I started to push myself up when she came out around the corner I was hiding behind, her optics now an innocent blue as if nothing had ever happened.
"Ratchet...?" I heard her say softly, her voice wavered a bit like I had frightened her, but I could see her figure relax when she recognized me.
"What are you doing on the ground?" She asked, a gentle smile coming to her lips in a sparkbeat. The horrible feeling inside me died down quickly when she approached me, she seemed to be perfectly fine, like nothing had happened.
"I'm fine, I just tripped over some rocks." She started to approach me and hold out her hand to help me up but the terrible feeling weighing inside me made me terrified to touch her, which made me feel guilty. I pushed myself to my feet just fine, and she asked me what I was doing out here so late at night.
"I could ask the same for you. I woke up and you weren't there, so I figured you came out here." The smile I knew too well came to her face again and she looked down shyly.
"Well, I couldn't sleep, so I came out here and was trying to relax, then you came out of nowhere and scared me." I started to relax, nothing was wrong, I was just- I was just worrying too much.
"You've been out here awhile, why don't you come back and try to get some sleep in before I get up?" She shrugged a little, looking down at her feet then back up at me.
"You wouldn't mind if I stayed for a few minutes? I'll meet you back in your room soon." I tried to convince her to come back with me but she was proving too much for me to handle, she was very convincing, but what made me uneasy was the fact that she kept looking down, indicating that she had something to hide. I left her after a slight argument over "you should come back inside where it's safe". I gave up when I realized that I could never make her do anything she didn't want to. I returned to my room quickly, still a little freaked out over what had just happened. I shifted into a comfortable position on my berth, wide awake. It was nearly another hour before I heard her familiar footsteps. Soon I was drifting off again, her fingers laced through mine.

I woke up around 5am as usual, with Summer still asleep. It was peculiar, she was in the same exact position as she was when we had both went to sleep the first time. I stared at her for a long time, there was something off that I couldn't put my finger on. I decided to ignore this, pondering on the hazy memories of last nights strange incident. I decided to keep it quiet, there was a large chance that I had dreamt everything, and I would only sound crazy if I told anyone of what had happened. I carried on normally throughout the day, until evening came. Once again, I woke up that night to find Summer gone, then went to look for her. It was the same thing again, she said different things, but she was still talking to Megatron. It scared me beyond belief but I couldn't force myself to believe she was working with the Decepticons. The same thing happened for an entire week, until finally I had decided to stop looking for her when she left in the middle of the night. It would all end up the same, I woke up the next morning thinking it was a dream.

***So, I've had a complaint that I'm not labeling the POV's and it's confusing for you guys. I've had one so far, but I'll be putting in when the POV's change just to be sure. I know this chapter might be a little confusing, at the end especially. I was tired but that's really no excuse for crap writing. We're nearing the end of the story and I just would like to know if you guys want a sequel to this. Really all I mean was Ratchet and Summer's life before the War started. (Which is completely made up, and based off a little of what I know so if you could give me some info that would be fantastic, thank you) So just comment what you think please, it really really matters what you guys say because I can't read minds, sorry, it's just not one of the things I can do. But please, please let me know. Thank you very much, there should be more than a few chapters to come but I'm warning you, things are nearing an end and if I could get some opinions on that sequel so I can get it started now so you guys have something to turn to after this, that would be great. Thank you very much, I promise I won't disappoint you guys with the next chapters.

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