Chapter 4: He's Outta Here

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I might be the villain of this story.
- Rebecca Makkai

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Adrienne's POV
The sound of my alarm clock that morning was possibly the most awful sound I had ever heard.

I did not want to get up. I did not want to get up and go to work and act like everything was fine when they let that psychotic clown out at breakfast.

I couldn't believe Oliver was being so stupid. I'd known him for my entire career at the Asylum, and I'd always thought he was smarter than this. And the fact that no one at the Asylum was even trying to stop him from making this stupid decision -

It made me so frustrated I wanted to punch something. Or someone. Preferably Oliver. Or the Joker himself.

I mean, I thought to myself as I twisted my hair rather violently up into a bun and stuck a pencil through to secure it, it's not like I don't already have enough to do, what with work and the Chimera killing people and creating chaos left and right. The last thing Gotham needs right now is another insane murderer on the loose!

And the Joker would be on the loose soon enough. Sure, all the idiots at Arkham might be convinced that he was "changing" and "making an effort" and crap like that, but I knew better. That clown was incapable of change. He could never change, and I hated him for it.

That was one of the numerous reasons that I hated him, actually. I could probably compose a list.

But today was not the day to relive that nightmare. Today I had to be strong, and go to work, and do my best to prevent the inevitable.

Or I could just call in sick.

Now there's an idea. I could say I got...Ebola. Or the plague. Or food poisoning. Or, you know, [insert believable excuse here].

Okay, never mind. That wasn't going to work, as appealing as it sounded. They would know right away that I was lying to get out of coming today.

It would probably be especially obvious, after I'd stalked out in the middle of the day a couple weeks ago at even the mention of Joker being allowed out. Sure, it would be for short periods of time and he'd have an armed guard flanking him at all times, but he was the Joker. He would still find some way to escape. He always did.

No one at the Asylum understood. They all thought I was just paranoid. Maybe they were right - I was paranoid. But it was understandable, after what the Joker had done to me. What he had done to the people I loved.

I just don't want him to ruin anyone else's life.

Closing my eyes, I blocked out the thoughts and memories and instead focused on my current task - pouring a bowl of cereal. Whenever the nightmares tried to creep in, I used this method - concentrate on real life. Concentrate on the present situation until the voices and flashbacks fade.

Actually, forget the cereal. I couldn't eat today even if I was hungry.

Closing the box and putting it back in the cupboard, I stood up and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. It was 7:45, and the drive to work was ten minutes. I was expected there by 8. Which meant I should probably leave now.

Except I really, really didn't want to.

I groaned and smacked my forehead with my hand. What is wrong with me? Other criminals, no problem. I was perfectly fine. They didn't really scare me all that much.

Well, except for the Chimera. I hadn't encountered her much yet, but she...she's a whole different deal. She was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Humans. Monsters. Heroes. Villains.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt