Chapter 25: Fireworks Show

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The Chimera's POV
"Bomb one, ready to activate, over."

She whispered this into a walkie-talkie, pressed up against the wall between two buildings in the downtown Gotham, a bomb across the street all set to blow. It was a building chosen solely for its location - four blocks away from the GCPD.

The plan, thought of yesterday courtesy of the great minds of both the Joker and the Chimera, was to blow up several buildings all across downtown Gotham. Not only would this draw the Phoenix out of her hiding place, it would also hopefully draw out her ally. With ten different bombs detonating all over the city, even she wouldn't be able to handle it on her own. She was bound to need some help.

They had also purposely stationed some of the bombs near places like the GCPD and Arkham Asylum - places the Phoenix sometimes helped. It was likely that her ally was somehow tied to one of those places.

Tonight, they would hopefully find out.

A cackle came through her walkie, snapping Alison back to the present. It was the Joker. "Blow it to pieces, sweetheart."

"Bingo." with a smirk, she pressed the button on her detonator. Almost immediately, the building across the street exploded in a mess of fire and debris.

Screams erupted from all around. A moment later, the Joker's voice crackled seemingly out of nowhere. In reality, they had placed speakers around the area to project his voice for all to hear.

"Good evening, ladies and gents! You sound like you're having a blast." he laughed. "Just checking in to say, there's a lot more where that came from! Stay tuned, folks!"

With a sputter, the voice-over died away. Grinning, Alison slid her walkie into her belt and darted into the nearby alley where her motorcycle was parked. In precisely ten minutes, another bomb would go off, this one all the way on the other side of town - near the narrows. This would be followed by another, and another, and so on.

Gunshot echoed through the air, punctuated by screams and wails of police sirens. Revving up her motorcycle, Alison felt a smile ghost across her face.

This is fun.

Of course, she wasn't just here to mess around.

Her first job was already done. It would be another thirty minutes before she was needed again, and she planned on making use of that half-hour.

And by "making use of that half-hour" she meant "sabotaging the Joker".

Not directly, of course. That would be stupid. She couldn't end the alliance just yet - Alison still needed him for the mob business. But when that was finished (which would probably be soon) it would be time to get rid of her competition once and for all.

So, her plans for today were subtle. Sneak back to the warehouse some things.

She had a half hour.

Alison floored it and shot out into the street.

The Joker's POV
With a sound like a cannon blast, the building exploded. The fire was bright against the starry backdrop of the sky - it was just past seven o' clock, and the sun had already set. Then again, this was normal at this time of year; winter was coming. It was already well into November.

This was the eighth bomb of ten. The Phoenix had not appeared yet, at any of the crime scenes. The Joker had stationed goons at every bomb that was to be set off. This was partially so that they would actually have someone to set off the bombs, and partially to keep watch for the Phoenix.

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