Chapter 16: New Ideas

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The Joker's POV
She had robbed Gotham National Bank. Two days ago - November 12th. Without a mask, by herself, in broad daylight.

This woman really was something else.

The Joker turned off the television. It was a grainy, clunky, old thing that one of his thugs had brought in. The service was bad, it didn't receive very many channels, and the picture flickered and cut out sometimes. But hey, it worked!

Plus, it received the Gotham News Channel, which was basically all they needed. It also had a DVD player, not that they would ever use it.

Still. Just in case.

The Joker tossed the remote onto the stained, ratty couch and stood up. It was getting dark outside. On the table in the kitchen, papers lay scattered across the scarred surface.

He approached the table, then sat down.

There it was. His final plan.

Well. Sort of.

That's what it was. A sort of plan. Because the Joker didn't plan, not really. All he needed was a basic outline of what he was going to do. A sort of guideline, a perfect place to start the fire.

Then, once it was lit, he would stand back and watch. He would leave the rest up to them - the people of Gotham. He would light the match, but they would feed the fire.

Then, all the Joker would have to do would be to stand back and laugh.

This was his city. It was time people understood that.


There was something - or rather, someone - standing in his way.

No, not the Phoenix - she was actually a required asset in his plan. A very required asset.

The problem was Gotham's new favorite criminal. The bloody little devil that had taken this city by storm.

The Chimera.

She needed to be, ah...taken care of.

Obviously, he couldn't just kill her. No. If it was just some random citizen causing trouble, sure, no problem, the Joker would kill them. Easy peasy. But this girl was different.

She was clever, playful, dangerous. Kind of like the Joker himself, but she...operated differently. The Chimera was after something, he just wasn't sure what.

Eventually, she might have to be killed. The Joker was okay with that. Just, not right away.

If he killed her right away - what fun is that?

No, first the Joker would play around with her. Trick her, annoy her, etcetera. All the usual stuff.

The thing was, he didn't know how exactly to get to her.

This was the problem - she was a criminal. A freak, an outcast - like him. For all the Joker knew, the Chimera had no ties. No one she loved or cared about. No way to be shattered beyond repair. And that - that wouldn't do at all.

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