Chapter 21: The Mob

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The Joker's POV
It was early morning, so early that there was still a damp chill in the air and dew still sparkled on the goods of parked cars. It was quite a beautiful morning, really.

Of course, the Joker didn't appreciate or even notice any of it.

"Where the hell is she?" he was pacing back and forth in his office, green hair disheveled, mumbling incoherently to himself. Obviously, he was in a bad mood. All of his henchmen, smartly enough, had been sure to steer clear of him so far.

She was late. She was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago, so that they could get an early start on their plans today, but no, it was nearly seven thirty and she still wasn't here -

At this point, he might just lose his temper and shoot her as soon as she showed up.

No, you can't do that, however tempting it may be.

Why not?

You know why not. Anyway, do you really think she isn't expecting you to do something like that? She's got to be prepared. Don't underestimate her.

The Joker let out a low growl of frustration, rubbing his thumb over the oily surface of the gun he held in one hand. If she didn't get here soon, he was going to -

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Do you ever use the door like a normal person?" he growled without turning around. He knew that if he did, he would see her climbing through his window, smirking at him.

"Of course not. We aren't normal people, scarface. Hasn't this been established?"

Finally he turned around. There she was, leaning against the wall, eyes glittering.

"You're late." he stated flatly.

"Well I'm here now, aren't I?" she shrugged and brushed past him, out into the hallway. "So let's go."

The Joker clenched his teeth.

If anyone else got on his nerves like this, he would just blow their head off.

Unfortunately, this was not currently an option.

Don't you dare shoot her yet.

Why was she so damn frustrating?

* * *

The mob's meeting place was the same as it had been nine years ago.

Pathetic. Were they trying to get caught?

The Joker stood just outside the room they were in, listening closely. He was behind a door - the same door he had entered all those years ago, the beginning of his terrorization of Gotham.

Ah, how he loved these trips down memory lane.

Now, time to make another memory. This one might even be better than the last.

He kicked open the door, and in he went.

The chatter of the mob quickly died down as soon as they heard that achingly familiar sound.

The Joker's laughter.

He laughed, slowly and menacingly, as he rounded the corner and came into full view of the long table with members of the mob seated around it.

"Ah, gentlemen." he spread his arms out and grinned at them all. "Long time, no see."

"Ah, shit..." Sal Maroni muttered under his breath, massaging his temples.

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