Chapter 14: Joke's On Them

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There's bad.

There's worse.

Then there's Joker.

- my nine-year old neighbor Rex after watching me write some of this chapter, because I'm sorry but that is good stuff and I had to put it in here okay

The Joker's POV
He kicked the front door open violently and strolled in. It was difficult to move fast, what with the struggling prisoner he was bringing along, but he could manage. The Joker certainly couldn't risk handing her over to one of his thugs and then getting himself arrested.

No, that wouldn't do at all.

Now, he strode purposefully down the (white) hallway, thugs behind him with guns at the ready. Their destination should be just down this hallway, around the corner, third door on the right...

Here we go!

Oliver Ferris, the plaque on the door read in bold letters. The Joker sneered. He hated that name. Hated it almost as much as he hated the man himself.

Time was running out. Pulling out another knife - did those idiots really think a single switchblade was the only weapon he'd brought? - and a Joker card, he brought back his hand, then drove the knife as far into the door as he could, effectively pinning the card into place.

Brushing off his hands, the Joker admired his handiwork. Not bad, not bad at all. He had stuck the card, bearing its message, right above the plaque on the door. It couldn't get much clearer than that.

Their time was surely up by now - exit time. Plus, the Joker had places to be. Well, mostly one specific place. He had some work to do. It was important work. One could even go as far to say that it would have an...explosive impact.

The Joker laughed out loud at his own joke.

This targeting approach was a lot more direct than it had been last time. But that was good. After all those years being stuck it white silence, no action, no excitement, he wanted to make a statement. Give 'em a show. This was a whole new year, a whole new plan, a whole new hero to test the limits of.

And if they thought this was bad - well, the Joker was just getting started.

Adrienne's POV
Dani actually and literally fainted as soon as the Joker came out of the Asylum, dropped her, and ran.

He was in there for only about thirty seconds over five minutes. Just as we were about so send some guys in, the Joker and his goons came running out, got to the car, practically threw Dani to the ground, and then gunned it out of there.

Taylor, Milo and I all immediately ran over to Dani. Meanwhile everyone else was calling the GCPD and sending out backup to follow the Joker and trying to get some police over here to search the building, because no one knew what the Joker had done in there. For all we knew, we were all going to get blown sky-high in a matter of minutes.

We got some people out to try and tail the Joker, but by the time we actually gathered some people and got them in cars and everything, he was long gone. The GCPD arrived shortly afterwards. Jim Gordon approached me, looking tired and worried.

Dani was still out cold. He looked down at her, then back at me. "Is she going to be all right?"

I shrugged. "She'll probably be fine, unless she has a concussion or something. It didn't seem like he threw her down too hard. I think she was mostly just scared."

Jim nodded, then rubbed his face tiredly. "Do you know what he was doing in there?"

"No idea. But my guess is nothing good." They were sending cops in now to search the building.

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