Chapter 19: Tricky Tricky

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The Phoenix's POV
"Who is it?"

I'm going to ignore her.

"We can do this the easy way, or the fun way. You choose. Oh, and when I say the fun way, let me assure you that the only person who will be having fun is me."

Yeah, I'm sure you'll have a blast.

The Joker sighed dramatically. "Have you gone mute? This is getting boooor-ing."

Sucks for you.

The Chimera rolled her eyes. "We really didn't want to have to do this - oh, who am I kidding, yes we did."

She turned around, cupped her hands around her mouth, and shouted, "Oh, Sparky!"

The surrounding guards parted to let through another clown, who had his meaty arm around an unconscious person in a headlock. The person was a middle-aged man, slumped over and drooping. His face was bruised, and a trickle of blood ran down from his temple.

My eyes widened. The Chimera seemed to notice this, and she laughed.

"There's more where that came from, sweetie. Now tell us about your little friend and no one gets dusted." she walked over to stand beside the man and ran a finger slowly down his head, wiping away the blood.

Well, it was either talk, or let this man (and maybe more) die. Then a thought struck me.

"How do I know this isn't a setup? You two might be pulling another one of your tricks."

The Joker giggled. "Like that one with the GCPD? Ah, memories . . ."

I stiffened, my heart seeming to sputter in my chest.

He knows.

Well of course he knows. He was there. He was the one who got me to push that damn button.

He knows, but he hasn't told yet. Why?

Oh no. My breath faltered as a thousand awful scenarios flashed through my mind.

He's waiting for the right moment to reveal it, to frame me or something, or try to turn me into his next Harvey Dent -

No. I struggled to regain composure, leveling my gaze at the two criminals standing in front of me. The Chimera yawned, looked at her wrist as if checking the time.

"Any day now, Nix." she patted the man's head. "Time is running out."

I clenched my teeth, internally debating.

It took about two seconds to decide.

My best option at the moment was probably to lie.

Then, somehow, free the hostages and get the hell out of here.

I took a deep breath and looked the Chimera right in her cold black eyes. "Fine. But if I tell you, you have to swear to let the hostages go."

The Joker nodded solemnly and put up one of his hands. "I give you my word."

Oh, because that's so reassuring.

I ignored that little comment and summoned every ounce of improvising talent I had.

"You're right, I do have an ally. But it's...complicated."

"Well we have plenty of time." the Chimera said sweetly.

Time to just spit it out. "My ally is Harley Quinn."

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