The Proclamation

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Today I am fitted for my coronation day suit and crown, but while it happens, I can't help but keep thinking of the villain kids on the Isle of the Lost.

What do they do all day?

Is it like Auradon?

Is it beeter..... Or worse?

I can't help but wonder.

Then the girl I keep seeing in dreams comes to mind.

Is she even real?

She isn't from Auradon.

Is she on the Isle of the Lost?

As my thoughts get deeper and deeper, my father and mother enter the room.

King Beast and Queen Belle.

"Son! How the fitting going?" My dad asks.

I smile.

"Good. But, I think I have decides on my first proclamation." I say.

My mother is now interested, and my father even more so.

"Well? Let's hear this." My father says excitedly.

I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the anger.

"My first proclamation as king will be that the children of the lost have a chance at a better life, here." I say.

My parents are shocked.

"Ok. Which kids?" He asks.

This means I can do this.

"The son of Jaffar." I say.

My father isn't impressed, but he nods.

"The daughter of the Evil Queen, son of cruella de vil..." I trail off.

My parents seem to be ok with this so far.

"And daughter of Maleificent." I blurt out.

My mom looks afraid and the tailor falls backwards in shock.

"MALEIFICENT!?" My father yells.

I knew he would say that.

My mother holds onto him.

"They did nothing wrong! It was their parents! They should have a chance!" I yell back.

My mother gets the attention of my father.

"I gave you a chance." She says quietly.

"Fine Ben. You get what you want. But when these kids get here, they are your responsibility." My father gives in.

I smile.

"Thnkyou father." I say.

My mother comes over.

"Its getting late, go on, get some rest. We'll give the news to the Isle of the Lost." She says, giving me a hug.

"Keep following your heart Ben." She whispers to me.

I smile at her reassuring voice.

When she let's me go, I walk through the long hallways and get to my room.

I lay down on the royal blue bed, and drift off to sleep.


Im dreaming, I only know this because she is there.

The girl of mystery.

She and I just stare into each others eyes, like most of the other dreams.

I see her hair now, and its purple.

She is beautiful.

"What's your name?" I choke out the words, like I wasn't supposed to say anything.

The girl opens her mouth to reply, but I wake up.

When will I understand my thoughts?

"Stop it Ben! You have a girl friend." I whisper to myself.

I just can't wait until they get here.

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