The New Auradon

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Mal is awake. I can't believe it!

"Ben." She says.

She falls back down immediately.

"Jeeze. Again with the falling." Mal mutters.

Same Mal.

"Mal, you feeling ok?" I ask.

She stares at me.

She is looking at me like this is all her fault.

"Mal, this isn't your fault." I say.

She stares at me.

"It might not be, but I could have stopped it." She says.

She failed, and she isn't taking it very well.

"Mal, everything that has happened is at your mother's fault." I point out.

She nods.

She won't listen to me.

"I am going to find a way to stop this." She says as Jay gets her off the ground.

"Right after this wears off." Mal say holding her head.

They take her back to their room, and we all continue conversation.

"Ben? What do you think Mal is going to do?" Jane asks, making everyone listen.

I think.

"Who knows. Leat just hope she doesn't get herself killed." I say desperately.

I won't be able to handle that.


The prison has been really quiet for the past couple days, mainly because we want to hear anything from the four.

They feed us then go back to their room, why?

Mal hasn't done any jobs yet, I think she is just too weak.

At least I hope its that and nothing worse.

Then, the door to the room opens and Mal come out of the room, wearing the purple dress she wore on out first date with the black leather jacket.

Wow. She looks. Wow.

Mal takes out her spray paint and sprays the security cameras.

"Listen up everyone." Mal says.

We all stare from our cells.

"I have a plan to fix Auradon, and it will require you guys to do something for me." Mal says.

"What would it be?" Lonnie asks.

Mal smiles.

"Trust me." She says.

We all stare at her.

"No matter what I do, play along. If I say I'm evil, play along. If I say something completely outrageous, argue with me like you would a normal person." Mal says.

We all stare at her.

"Just I ask you Ben, to remember these words." She says walking up to me.

She has pleading written all over her.

I hope this works.

She leans over to me.

"The words are: Just play nice and we will get along fine." She says so only I can hear.

"So when Ben hears those words from me and me only, it will mean I have done my plan and it worked." Mal says.

We all stare at her.

"What's the plan?" Jane asks.

Mal smiles.

"I'm going to get the wand." She answers.

"Then, I'm going take Maleificent down." Mal says.

They prisoners all have hope in their eyes, including the rest of Mal's gang.

I hope this works.

"When do we start?" Jay asks her.

Mal smiles.

"One week from now." She says.

Everyone cheers a little.

Maybe we can take back Auradon.


"I can't believe Mal disgraced the family and all of us!" I rant angrily.

Evil Queen is looking in her brand new enchanted mirror.

"Who cares? Its not like she had any chance of choosing you. You did almost kill the kid." Jaffar says.

I growl.

"I simply used a knock out spell on her. Not one that drastic." I say angrily.

Cruella rolls her eyes.

"Don't forget that our own kids did the same to us." Cruella points out.

I feel like my rage is a literal flame right now.

"Mal will join me soon enough." I growl.

Whether she wants to or not.

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