Finding Yourself

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While I was in Auradon, I read some weird books.

Some of them I didn't understand.

Some I am understanding on this walk.

I had read one that had said that when you icolate yourself for a bit, we can learn things about ourselves that we never knew.

For instence.

I learned that I can get sick of running.

I learned I like to climb trees.

I learned that this mission is a lonley one.

I sigh.

"Make a Strawberry, make it quick, make it up without a hitch." I say, now knowing the spell off by heart.

Another strawberry appears in my hand.

As I eat it, and finish it, I hear something.

Why is there more than one sound of footsteps?

I rush as quietly as possible to one side, but when I break the tree line, I'm met with water.

I shiver at the thought of drowning.

But, I put my bag down in a thick bush near the edge of the grass, and get deep enough to go under water.

I stand on my toes.

"She went this way!" I hear the voice shout.

I take a breath and go under, trying my best not to scream at my own terror.

I hear the voices muffled.

"We better head back to Maleificent. Today's work is done. We will come back in the morning.

As soon as I can't hear anyone, I come up slowly.

They are gone.

I take in huge deep breaths of air, and push my way to the sand.

I cough.

"Jeeze." I whisper.

I walk over to my bag.

"Dry me off, dry me off." I say.

I am dry.

I pick up the bag and start walking again.

When all this is over I will never touch sea water again.

I don't get that far before I see stone.

Am I at the tower already?

"No. It can't be." I sat amazed as I walk into the clearing.

A large tower stands high above the trees.

I made it.

Then I realize something.

Too easy.

I climb a tree close by and see that there are gaurds every where.

Knew it.

I stay in the tree.

I need to contact the others. I hope it works for seeing too.

I look down, and decide to make Evie see.

I simply touch her charm.

"Evie. Remember what you see. When its over contact me through the bracelets." I whisper.

I move around a little so she can see the tower.

"What are you showing me Mal?" I hear Evie ask.

"I'm showing you the tower where the wand is being held. I'm going in tomorrow or the next day. Can you help me with a plan?" I ask.

"Of course! Let's do this thing." She says.



The cells are cold, lonely and bitter.

If Mal get caught I hope they put her in my cell or the gangs cell.

Evie has been staring at a wall for a while, talking to Mal.

I wonder how she's doing.

As I keep just leaning against the wall, Evie gets up, and has stopped talking.

"Guys, I have news." Evie says.

We all look to her as best we can from our cells.

"Mal found the tower. She has a plan and will be going in tomorrow." She says.

I smile.

She is coming home soon.

"She told me though that you all have to play along with what happens. Or the whole plan is ruined." Evie tells us.

We all nod or say ok.

"Good night everyone!" Carlos yells, his cell having a tiny window.

"Night." We all chourus.

Tomorrow, Mal gets the wand, and comes home.

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