Stealing Back The Wand

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I settle down on a large tree branch.

I'm too nervous to sleep.

I have the blanket Carlos gave me on me.

I hold the picture Jay gave me.

"Tomorrow, I poof home." I whisper.

I put it back and pick up the mirror.

"Mirror mirror in my hand, show me Ben." I say.

He is asleep.

He smiles in his sleep.

I wonder what happens if the part of my plan no one knows about back fires?

I stare at the stars, knowing that somewhere, Carlos is not asleep, staring at the same ones.


I wake up in a jolt of noise.

"Ok! Everyone get ready!" I hear a man shout.

I look down and see two men holding a saw and a big man looks like they are ordering them.

I squish all my things into my bag and thrown it onto my shoulder.

I jum from my branch to the next tree just as it falls.

Couldn't have picked a different tree?

Oh well, I have to put part one into action.

I jump silently down from the tree and circle to the back of the tower.

Once I'm there, I see a gaurd holding a spear standing in front of a little wodden door.

They might as well have put no one here.

I open my spell book.

"Send my enemy off to a deep sleep." I whisper.

The man's head falls and he is asleep.

Boom! First try!

I quietly run through the easy to spot a girl with purple hair area, and get to the door.

It's locked......

"Open up with out a kick." I whisper.

The door opens.

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