The Isle of the Lost

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I can't help but wonder what my dream meant last night.

A boy, normal looking, asked me what my name was.

I never answered.

Now, I stand on my balcony outside my room.

The wind blows my hair back slowly.

"What to do." I say to myself.

I look out to see Auradon, and can't help but feel like someone is looking back.

I walk back unto my room, and grab my traditional bag of spray paints.

"Let's see what hasn't been marked." I say to myself.

I swing the bag over my shoulder and jump off the balcony, hitting the ground running.

The world seems simple when I run through the streets.

People move out of my way and cower when they see me, simple.

A small part of me inside, whishes they didn't.

I rush down hidden alleys, side streets and anywhere that people might not be today.

I screech to a halt in front of a wall.

Up higher there is nothing painted there.


I look at the building directly beside it.

I rush onto the main street, jumping onto the ladder they use to fix roofs.

I rush toward the side of the roof where the plain wall stands.

I stop, dropping my bag to the floor.

"What are you going to do today?" I ask myself looking through my bag.


I pull out black and purple.

I begin to spray the wall.

When I'm finished, it is of two dragons, one black and one purple.

Underneath, I write in green letters, LONG LIVE EVIL!

I smirk at my latest mark.

"Mal!" I hear someone yell.

I look around and see Carlos down below.

Carlos, one of the only people on this island I actually like.

"Carlos! Come up here!" I shout.

He nods, going towards the street.

A few seconds later he is on the roof.

He stares at my hand, which has the three colors I used on my fingers.

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