The Battle

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I stand in the force field with my mother, eyes filled with rage.

"Mal! I cannot believe you!" She yells.

Everyone is surrounding us, blocked by the wall we can't see.

"You will pay for this Mal. I can make things worse than they are!" She shouts angrily.

I pull out the wand and point it at her.

"Get back!" I shout, and the wand blasts her backwards, but she stays on her feet.

"Fiesty Mal. You would be great as a queen in this new version of Auradon." She says.

I stare at her.

"I'd rather die!" I scream at her.

Did I really just say that?

I stare right at her.

I can tell through my anger my hair changed back to purple, and is almost literally flaming.

People all around stare right at me, especially Ben.

"Mal! Don't you feel all that power inside you! You could use it for Evil! Be a queen! Everyone would fall before you!" She says, trying to get me on her side.

"Never." I hiss.

She streightens.

"Fine." Sh growls.

She picks up her staff.

"Back!" She shouts.

Now this time I'm blown back, and I hit against the wall of the force field.

Fine then. Let's play the hard way.

I draw the wand.

We both blast our powers at the same time, making them hit.

They hold.

At fist, I seem to be winning, then the green magic of my mother starts to push back on the gold.

I am slowly losing.

I got it!

The magic of hers explodes.


"Mal!" I scream.

When the smoke clears, she isn't there.

Where is she.

"Mal! Get back here!" Maleificent screams.

"I am here." Mal's voice is almost ghost like.

"You just have to find me." She says, laughing.

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