1. Is this a pact?

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**All rights reserved. Copyright of artbySSx. This is all our own work and ideas so anything you've read that is similar is coincidental. If you enjoy this please let us know by commenting and sharing.**

"Do you know how sexy you look when you're angry?" he came closer as I took a step back.

"This shouldn't happen." it came out like a whisper.

"Let's change that." he smirked.



Here I am in my car, on a Monday morning jamming to a random beat that's playing on the radio. Luckily, the traffic wasn't too bad, thank god! No way could we turn arrive late today. Wondering what for? Well Summer holidays just started in England and what is Summer without a vacation? Not just anywhere but a vacation in Hawaii...

Right now, I'm currently driving to Ivy's house to pick her up. Ivy Ashford is her name; one of my main girls along with Hazel Montgomery.

Those two girls are my best friends. They're like the sisters I never had. Ivy is a CRAZY blonde who is stunning. She's wild, wild with a capital W. She's one of those girls that doesn't have a care in the world (as she would say), she's also a party animal; surprised she never invented the word 'party' because that girl knows how to get it down. Hazel has blonde hair too which is sort of ironic considering her name is...Hazel.

My hair is mid length wavy and brown. Nothing special except it does stand out when we're all together. Ivy and I are both 17 but I'm younger by a few months. Hazel just turned 18 and she behaves like she's the youngest however she can act her age when she needs to. Trust me I know.

I stopped my car outside Ivy's house, staying seated inside my comfy car waiting for her to get out, she took so long! After numerous of beeps from the car, she eventually got out of her house with four bags.

"Calm the fuck down Avianna, I'm out." She puffed at me, slamming the door shut behind her.

She placed her bags in the boot and then sat in the passenger seat.

I turn my head to look at her,

"Dude, why the hell did it take you that long and four bags Ivy, seriously?" I raised my eyebrows at her. We can't be late today.

"Oh sorry but I'm sure I had to get dressed first before getting out of my house,"

I rolled my eyes playfully at her response. I worry about this girl sometimes.

"Anyways, how do I look?" she asked, pouting and batting her eyes at me cutely.

"You look ugly, you sexy bitch." before she had the chance to reply I added, "Now put your seatbelt on because we're going to..."

"HAWAII!" We both shrieked in unison as I started the car.


We met Hazel at the airport which wasn't too busy. So now Hazel, Ivy and I were waiting for our plane. I'm just glad we weren't late which is a first. Hazel was lying down on the chairs with her head on my lap looking up and Ivy was busy on her phone as she sat on the chair near Hazel's feet.

"So do you have the deets of where we're staying?" Hazel asked, looking up at me.

"Yup," I said popping the 'p' sound "We're staying with Kassandra."


"Kassandra man! You know Avi's cousin who visited her last year and we all went to that summer fair where you dumped John because he was clingy as fuck." Ivy answered Hazel's question for me. Avi is my nickname short for Avianna.

"Oohh." was all Hazel could get out of her mouth at this point, regaining her memory of Kassandra and John.

I giggled thinking of John, "Hazel, where did you even pick that guy from?"

"Nicky's party. John was her cousin and it wasn't like I knew he would turn out to be a total freak, I mean he was cute." She explained, defending herself even though she knew she was terrible when it came to relationships.

"Freak?" Ivy asked in disbelief, "try psycho, he even moved schools just to get closer to you, oh em gee."

"Yeah babe, admit it, you're really bad at choosing the right guy." I told her honestly while stroking her hair that was sprawled out on my lap. "Maybe you should just let loose on the whole relationship thing at the moment?"

"I guess so." was all Hazel replied with.

I felt bad for her because she was the type that could survive in a relationship, could settle down, be happy but that wasn't going to plan for her. I think we're young so we might as well live for now. I'm not the relationship type. Boys use you for one thing only. Sex. Many people call Ivy and I bitter at the topic of men. However, ever since my father walked out on us when he found out they were expecting a baby, which was me, changed my opinion on men. They're all the same. Friends are for life so we should focus on that instead of trying so hard to find love.

Love will leave you heartbroken in time, surely. Nothing can change my view on that.

'BA 121 DEPARTING TO HAWAII' the loud speaker announced.

We sat comfortably on the plane. In our friendship with each other there was no shit like 'third is a crowd.'

No. It's only a crowd if you allow it to be that way.

"Girls, we're actually going to Hawaii." Ivy squealed.

"I know but this vacation should just be fun so how about no serious stuff as in relationships? It's all about us now." Hazel asked.

"Babe you're the one who loves the idea of being committed." I smiled at her. It was true.

"Is this a pact sort of thing?" Ivy was intrigued.

"Yeah kind of, if you want it to be." Hazel answered, winking at Ivy.

"Trust me, that isn't going to be hard for us, partying here we come." I added chuckling to myself.

Easy fucking peasy.

I settled my head on Hazel's shoulder smiling to myself thinking about how good my life was at the moment.

It was more than good.


**WN: the cast are only put up for those who want a face to their characters, to anyone else, you can still picture the characters as whoever you want**

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