10. Watch and learn.

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Don't ask me why I didn't hesitate to forget about Jacob's lash out. I did it for my benefit, not his. It was my fault so I had no other choice.

"How's your mum?" Ivy asked as she shoved a piece of pancake into her mouth.

We all sat around the huge counter, that was positioned in the centre of the kitchen, for breakfast. They awaited my response.

"Oh," I took a bite of my crunchy toast. "she's good, I spoke to her last night."

Hazel smiled, "yeah I know I heard y'all."

"I miss her." Kassie frowned.

"I know you do." I pouted at her.

"Oh yeah, how long has it been since you last saw her?" Ivy asked Kassie.

"Just a little bit over a year, auntie got ill after I left so I haven't seen her since."

I lost my appetite and I pushed my plate back. The topic of this made my stomach churn and the sight of food made me sick.

"Oh shit I didn't mean to bring your mood down." Ivy solemnly spoke.

I politely smiled at her, "I'm fine, babe."

Not really. Everything back at home still played on my mind. I understood why the girls asked about my mum, and I loved that about them. However, I couldn't change the way my heart sinked every time I heard the word mum. Because that's linked to her illness and ten months ago, that made my world come crashing down.

It was all unfair and my mum deserved more. Today was almost surreal because around this time last year I felt trapped compared to how free I felt on this holiday. Despite this, she was all I thought about.

"Plan for today?" Hazel asked as she stood up and tucked her stool forward under the counter.

"Surfing!" Kassie said as she clapped in excitement, she was a pro at surfing.

I groaned because I had never surfed before so I knew I would fail.

We all headed to the beach near the water. I put my feet in and closed my eyes. The sea was a beautiful blue, my favourite colour. The sight looked almost magical.

We wore the surfing wetsuits which felt uncomfortable because it was so tight. However, Kassie didn't mind because she was used to it.

We placed our surfboards onto the sand as Kassie demonstrated the basic rules and techniques.

After twenty minutes,

I had enough and sat on my surfboard rather than joining in. At least I tried.

"I give up!" Ivy moaned as she flapped her hands repeatedly in frustration.

"I think I've got this." Hazel said as she continued to perform the techniques Kassie taught us.

"Oh c'mon guys," Kassie looked at Ivy and I, "it's obviously going to be difficult if you don't try."

Ivy and I shrugged and Kassie huffed as she gave up with the motivation. The sun beamed down and it got hotter by the second. I looked around the beach which was quite busy today compared to how lonely it was yesterday or any other day.

"Hazel, you seem to be getting the hang of it. Let's go try it out in the water." Kassie ordered and Hazel nodded like a toddler getting a treat.

They walked towards the water as Ivy and I curiously watched from our stance. We could still hear them as it wasn't far away at all.

"Okay, on the count of three let go of my hand and paddle. Don't go in too deep and stay near." Kassie instructed.

Hazel nodded, "one...two...three. Go." Kassie let go of Hazel's hand and gave her surfboard a little push to start her off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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