3. Hot people have that effect on me.

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Four hot girls who looked horrified were standing outside their house including Kassie. So those were the girls she was talking about. I'm guessing we woke them up because they were wearing shorts, tank tops and a night robe to cover up; they weren't doing a very good job of it. Not that I was complaining.

"Who the fuck are you?" Quentin returned the question.

"I'm Hazel who's trying to get some sleep here." the girl spat out, pretty evident her name is Hazel.

Kassie spoke up, "Jamie, can you control yourself please?"

"I'm sorry we were just-"

"No bro don't apologise. We were just letting loose man for fuck sakes, is it your time of the month or something?" Ethan interrupted Jamie's apology.

The girls stared at Ethan in utter disgust and they were furious. The only one that stayed quiet was the best looking one. What was her name?

"Ew, y'all are unbelievable." The other blonde girl screamed out.

I realised they were from England and their accents was such a turn on I wasn't half listening to what they were saying.

"That's what they all say." I blurted out then smirked.

Wrong time to crack a joke? Sue me.

The hot brunette who kept quiet the whole time rolled her eyes at me which I didn't appreciate.

"Bitch don't roll your eyes at me."

Her eyes widened and just as she was about to open her mouth Hazel retaliated instead,

"Oh no just back the fuck up, who do you think you are calling Avianna a bitch?" her face was fuming which only made me chuckle.

This was amusing to me because when English people try to sound serious, they just don't because of their accents. And because I'm so drunk. Oh and the hot girls name was Avianna.


Not that they would dare to forgot who I was after this.

"Who cares what your name is?" Avianna broke the jeering, unexpectedly.

"Your half naked friend over there asked who I was." I answered smugly.

Hazel tried to cover up a little with her robe after my comment while Avianna rolled her eyes again. Does she never learn?

"Is there something in your eyes? Do you have a condition or something?" I asked mocking her resulting in the boys laughing out loud.

She turned bright red and screamed, "Maybe looking at that face of yours is what's hurting my eyes."

Before I could even reply and maybe throw an insult back she rushed inside with her dogs following after they gave us some death glares, and then slammed the door shut as loud as they could. Such a girl move.

This was the first time someone lowkey called me ugly, what the fuck? Now that was mean. Not really but she was hot, so it was mean.

As fun at that was, we decided to head back inside. I needed sleep.

"You guys are so fucking stupid, Kassie hates me now." Jamie said, as we entered the house.

"You'll live." I calmly replied, patting him on the back. It was only a girl.


Well that was intense and unexpected. We only just got here and we've already had an argument.

"They're such dicks."

"A different type of specimen." Ivy throws her thought in.

"That house is practically a zoo." Hazel laughs. The shade.

"They were drunk as hell I don't think they knew where they were at and Jamie should've known better." Kassie can't help but blame Jamie as he's the eldest of them.

"Well, it's Jamie I feel sorry for, he's currently the zoo keeper at that house." I snigger.

"I need my beauty sleep." Ivy mutters while walking towards her room.

So we all went back to our rooms; we needed sleep as tomorrow was going to be a long day. I got into my bed, for the second time tonight, and my eyes wouldn't close. My mind was something else...on the boys. Jamie seemed nice well compared to the others he was a saint.

Jacob. It didn't help that he had water running down his abs. Then he opened that mouth of his. The ignorant shit called me a bitch which threw me off because I was actually quiet. Normally I wouldn't have been but I couldn't get a word out for some reason. Hot people have that effect on me. 


He is NOT hot.

I did not just think that. Anyways I don't plan on ever talking to him again, gladly...


Please add this story to your library because it's getting hard to notify everyone myself.

**WN: I hope you can see I'm trying to keep the moments between Avi and Jacob short because all will be revealed later on. Also this story will focus on the friendships too which play an important part.**

Do you like Jacob or is he a total douchebag? Can Avi really go through the whole vacation without talking to him?

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