7. Picture perfect.

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The 4th of July.

A week since my encounter with Jacob at the bar. Specifically, it had been nine days not that I was counting. The past week had been so gloomy, weather wise and emotionally. We couldn't do the summer activities we had planned to do because it started to rain randomly which wasn't rare in Hawaii but I felt like it mirrored my emotions. So we rearranged the plans for the next following week when the weather wasn't so down.

"Do we have to go?" I asked even though I knew the answer, "it's not like we're American so what's the point?"

We were getting ready in Kassie's room for the 4th of July party that Jamie arranged with his friends on the beach. I was still in my pyjama's because I'm human and lazy so I didn't want to change. I applied a light layer of makeup onto my face.

"The point is that Jamie invited us and this day means a lot to him and the boys." Kassie stated the obvious.

"I know but I asked why do we have to go?" I pointed at myself, "as in why do I have to go?"

"Look Avi," she put down the straighter and looked at me, "I know you don't like Jacob for whatever reason but Jamie wants us there, it's important to him. And plus I live here now too so I'm excited."

I sighed, "I don't care about Jacob."

"Avi, he told me about what happened at the party. Why would you act like that?" she asked then laughed out loud.

I couldn't help but laugh along with her. It was funny thinking back at it.

"I don't even know, everyone was just in my space telling me it was a date so I believed it."

We both looked at each other for a second and then bursted out in laughter again. After a minute we managed to control ourselves.

"So is now a good time to ask why you were crying the other day at the bar?" I tried getting an answer from her because I didn't ask about it before.

"Just leave that alone, it really was nothing."

"But I don't like seeing you cry and if it's something Jacob did then I swear to god-"

"No babe he didn't do anything, I promise. Anyways I can handle him so he wouldn't dare." she picked up the straightener again and continued to straighten her hair.

"Then what was it all abou-"

Ivy walked into Kassie's room in a hurry, "guys, does this outfit show too much skin?"

She wore shorts that showed a bit of her ass and a plain black crop top with her stomach on display. Her hair had perfect beach curls in them.

Kassie and I nodded 'yes'.

"Good." Ivy winked and we giggled at her response. I admired her attitude.

Hazel walked into Kassie's room as she had been ready for the past ten minutes. She wore a mini white skirt with a black plain tank top. An flower headband, which was red and blue to represent the American colours, placed around her head and she looked gorgeous.

"Y'all, how does the queen look today?" she twirled around to show off her look. We all praised her because she was the first to get ready which was a surprise.

"Avi! What are you doing? It's nearly 10 o'clock, get into your outfit." Hazel reminded me.

I pouted at her, "I know but I'm just not feeling it."

"You've got makeup on and your hair is done, now you're not feeling it? Girl bye I don't care, you're coming." Ivy snapped with the flick of her hair. "At least just go for the booze, that's why I'm going." she laughed.

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